The male baby sitter

The wolfers were a very rich family. they had a big house and huge rooms which were simple yet very elegent. every room had its own personnal balconni and so did jeff's. zack's eyes suddenly turned towards the balconni.

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Sun Set Ch.1 The New Kids (finished)

Kinda bummed that it is the first day of school" "yeah, hey did you hear about some new kids are coming to our school" "no, you know who they are" "well people have told me they are some rich family with adopted kids and that they are from california"

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What i wouldn't give to be a catholic girl with a rich family. my school didn't even allow stall doors, and each of the sinks was a different model." he knocked on the stall door, "mind if i open up?" the girl was quiet, "uh... yes?"

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Public Enemies: An Interesting Group

Tom was an interesting fellow for sure....he was the last person we ever expected to join our gang....maybe because he was the son of a rich family that made jewelery.

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Unrequited-Wasted Summer

What do you expect; he was dating a cheerleader from a rich family." hannah just kept quiet from getting on maria's worse side. they arrived at hannah's trailer house, already emanating a feeling of worry that it might be one of her mom's nights again.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 7a, Un-Escaping (Pt 4)

"my vision is one where men and women can be equal... where there is no divison between how far children from a rich family or a poor family can progress.

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Alyssa comes from a well known rich family and she's the only one that isn't stuck up and pissy..sorry prissy. instead of being "lady like" she chose to be normal and friendly to others. she went to a regular highschool and was very popular there.

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Maid of wonder. Chapter 1

Gwen moonpaw was a young maid working for the pennyworthing's a rich family with alot of blue blood in them.

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The Dragon and the Fiddler

Her mother, on the other hand, wanted to coddle her, treat her like a princess and sell her off to the highest bidder, rather, her mother wanted aida to be more feminine and marry into a rich family to bring further success to the clan.

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A Saving Grace - Chapter 1: The Crash and The Meeting

As previously mentioned, he came from a rich family, a family of lawyers and congressmen. he and his brothers were to become lawyers and to keep guilty people out of prison.

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Playboys come to town

He watched as the police chief led the way not even caring that this mob was meant to kill this rich family that had come in and done the town dirty.

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A Conflict of Interests

She comes from a very rich family. her father's side, of course." "i'd never seen a lamb. tiny." "she is." "i mean, really tiny. i could swallow her, she's so small." sammi noticed laurel was staring at her icily.

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