Beautiful minds
And wow did he have a beautiful mind. when the ad in the new york times went up for experimental medical trials for the severely mentally handicapped, james's parents had been one of the first to sign him up. he had been the perfect candidate.
Beautiful Beatrice
~beautiful beatrice~"
True Beauty
Over the loss of true beauty, the beauty of the heart and soul, drowned in the light seen by eyes, and covered in superficial colors.
Eternal Beauty
It is said every rose has a thorn, within its beauty lies this scorn, but you have no such thorn for me, your beauty is overwhelming and sets me free.
The Gift Of Beauty
The gift of beauty it was a warm, dry, glorious autumn evening in the beach town of karakiky.
The Beauty in the Spring
So I ran into this girl, right? Huge tits on her--total dream. I couldn't get enough of the way she talked, or shook out her hair with a smile--acted totally casual about her looks, without being a complete bitch, right? So guess what--she ACTUALLY...
Brewing Beauty
"w..., w..., well, if you think i'm worthy of having the chance with a beauty like yourself." he replied. "trust, me you are more than worthy than some men i've met over the years." she informed.
Sleeping Beauty
Characters: quarry, fury, zen fa: silverdahedgehog13 story (c) nightlysnow sleeping beauty by nightlysnow "we will be right back to the 'history of tennis' after these messages. have you ever wanted to play tennis, to learn the technique?"
Beautiful 3
#1 of beautiful beautiful 3 ralph and brad had been going to the gym for three weeks when one day something out of the ordinary happened.
Beauty On The Outside...
beautiful. "illthian..." his father started to say. "dad, i'm a drake now. i can take care of myself. i'm an equal to you now. don't treat me like a hatchling anymore."
A Beautiful Stranger
._ **a beautiful stranger** on the surface of apollo city, everything seemed calm. yet it was underneath the city streets where the party was in full swing, and where a certain dragon was dancing the night away.
A Beautiful Honeymoon
* * * a beautiful honeymoon he smiled to his beautiful wife, who hung her arms around his neck. they danced slowly to the music, embracing eachother tightly. it was as if it were only them on the dance floor right then.