CotJ 2: The Last Stand. Act I Part II
The human looked up as the draconian caught his attention. "you want her..."
Wind of Change: Chapter 32
As a dragon, i am honored to meet an oriental draconian. as a draconian, i bid you welcome to my home, along with everyone here."
Wasteland Warrior - Part 1
She giggled as she felt the wings and smiled up to the draconian. "still the gentle casanova aren't we?" she grinned now and winked to him then leaned her head against his chest and sighted happily to be close to the draconian once more.
CoTJ II: The Last Stand Act I Part VIII
Each of the squad's hud lit with a little diamond depicting a draconian hostile for each of the targets and with the alien shrieks and yells more draconian reinforcements arrived out numbering the squad from three to one.
Memoirs of Dragora Ch. 18
Dragora growled now, seeing the draconian so hesitant on proving his lineage.
Chapter 5 - "Our Main Course this Evening: The Shattering of the Shroud of Shadows"
The cassiopeia raised its shields, which absorbed the damage from the plasma weapons of the draconian ship.
Wind of Change: Chapter 29
"you're...a draconian?" "draconian? you mean like you? what are you talking about?"
The Dragon Warrior: Space Adventure Chapter 12
The draconian was aware that the reason of this peace was because of the same infamous black oriental draconian who became a bounty hunter, not a hero as he supposed to be.
Memoirs of Dragora Ch. 16
Slypnir stated aggressively, feeling nij put his hand on the draconian's tensing shoulder.
Immigration or Naturalization 2
If there was more that the draconian said after that rick didn't hear it as he practically slammed the door shut behind him.
Dzarla Finally Gets Out
With fear and terror pulsing through her, the draconian jolted up, knocking over the coffee table with her massive wing.
The Dragonwolf Brigade, Chapter II: Unyielding Trust
The draconian took hold of his prized possession, carefully placing it into his hiding place inside of his cloak.