Mossflower After Midnight: Tsarmina/Brogg
He looked at the window; the moonlight streamed in from high in the sky and the chittering of the night-time insects buzzed on the edge of his hearing.
T. Aropo Vine Zoo - Chapter Four: The Belly of the Beast
Ben coughed a bit more, wiping the last of his cum from his muzzle before forcing himself to sit up beside bobby.
Pokemon Boarding School: Disciplining Troublemakers
A few more tears rolled down his cheeks, not brought about from his coughing but from the humility of being on his knees and serving an older male.
The Rainbow Flag...: Chapter 6
#3 of the rainbow flag that hung from a tree a fox teen's life is turned upside-down, when he comes out of the closet in a city filled with prejudice and hatred towards gays.
Settling back into the too-stiff chair, sean drew a small packet from his pocket to pluck one of the capsules from, and knocked it back.
Bigger Mice from Mars
Sweat was glistening and dripping from vinnie's body as he was still growing right in front of them and there was no sign of stopping.
Full Throttle - August Rule 34 Story #1
He shrieked in pain, wagging his hand and pulling it away from the door. "karbunkle, dear doctor..." he pressed a button directly underneath the panel.
World of Warcraft: Hearts in the Mist Pt 5
Its eyes didn't even shy away from the thick pulsing shaft just inches from its nose. the worgen's curiosity was piqued but didn't stop him from running his clawed hands through its wool.
[COMM] An eggcellent surprise
He started laying eggs from his udders just as quick as he was laying them from his ass, throwing him further into the bottomless pit of bliss that he'd probably never return from.
From The Wilderness - Jee Veerey (Brave One)
"those are the kind of things that i pressed for; things that were needed to save the lives of people who were equal to those from richer families." a near growl from the buck.
They Come
They will come from the heavens, flames racing to catch up with them. a chorus of praise to the emperor of emperors, sung from their unmoving mouths.
Nick's Captive Christmas: Second Year
Moving so slowly that anyone watching from outside of their little nest wouldn't have been able to make out the motion of each thrust.