Misconceptions- Interlude

I hate the rain. Threadbare clothes meant my fur got wet quickly, and my fur was so thick it stayed wet for a long time. School had ended almost ten minutes ago and I was tired of waiting for Blake. My foot tapped against the ground. Finally, a car...

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Interlude - At the Movies

interlude - at the movies by havoc mark was sweating, even though it was pleasantly cool inside the movie theater.

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Albedo's Interlude

Albedo was angry, how could her Master Accept this .... This Slut. She would make sure that her Master would let this Slut down and became hers. She would show her Master the way. "Albedo." The woman turned her head as her Master spoke to her. It...

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Sheltears Interlude

Sheltear couldn't believe that her Master would prefer a Lizard, she was much Lingerie His servant. He should fuck her instead. If she got the Chance, she should just Skin this Beast. At the Moment was Crusch Lulu sleeping in Lord Ainz Bed, another...

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Interlude 16

Las lindas web comic spin-off, oc-insert the characters in this story (except the oc-insert) are © chalodillo **interlude 16** **beta-reader: ant0nius** pandora had found herself occupied with a difficult dilemma.


CoNF Interlude

Officer Hemlock Larkin trudged home after a long day that had been spent both in the office and in the field. Crime in the capital wasn't especially severe this year but several gangs made a concerted effort to organize and coordinate their efforts....

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Interlude 10

Las lindas web comic spin-off, oc-insert the characters in this story (except the oc-insert) are © chalodillo **interlude 10** **beta-reader: ant0nius** things were getting interesting. or at least... different.


Interlude 17

Las lindas web comic spin-off, oc-insert the characters in this story (except the oc-insert) are © chalodillo **interlude 17** **beta-reader: ant0nius** the throne room had been devoid of the life it once had mere days earlier.


Midnight Interlude

\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ midnight interlude - by kandrel * * * a gentle murmuring in my ear brought me from deep slumber. first, i wasn't quite sure if it was real, or if it was all part of my dreams.

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a lusty interlude

A lusty interlude krystal lay on her bed, her sheets twisted around her, the blue vixen in the grips of a rather erotic dream.

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Steel's Interlude

"Steel? Are you home?" shi called, flicking on the entryway's light. Beyond the circle of light, the shadows of the dark, second floor apartment held their tongues. Shrugging, shi dropped hir purse on the couch on hir way to the bedroom. The night...

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