Nothing is for Free
kip? could you get me the leather harness?" kip jumped up and in no time he brought it over and gave his brother the needed leather harness.
The Victor's Cup - Chapter 2: Preparations
With a chomp, he bit off the chunk and chewed on it as kip stared at him with a mortified expression. trying to take his mind off his sustenance in the arena, kip rummaged in the crate for gear he couldn't identify.
A Chance of Showers - Part One
In the instant before he hit, kip's eyes locked on the biggest, meanest jock in the pack.
Hawthorne University - Part IV
kip got a 28, securing his win by a few points. back in the locker room, seneca's team was quiet while kip was paraded around by his team.
The Victor's Cup - Chapter 4: Enter the Fray
kip gave him an amused glance. "then why are you teaming up with me?" "i'm not teaming up with you," the dragon protested. "then what do you call this?" kip grinned. "well we're not a team," rhogar stated flatly. "whatever you say," kip teased.
New View Apartments: The Roof
kip replied helplessly. "and you know carlos. actually... you don't. but you will." kip grinned broadly again.
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 91: The Others (You Needed Me Part Seven)
"i befriended rose and kip upon my arrival. she had lost her mate- kip's father after a hover vehicle accident that was mysteriously covered up." the dark brown bear said.
Aliens Advance!
Alex heard kip yelp, and barely managed to see the dog spasm before the bull-man grabbed it by the scruff of the neck. kip whimpered as the bull-man extracted the long needle the tank had fired into the dog.
A Chance of Showers - Part Two
kip's hand shot down to cover his crotch, not only to hide his nudity but to protect his testicles from the coming kicks.
The Victor's Cup - Chapter 5: The Endgame (Mild Version)
If that indicated the elimination of a tithe, then the three beeps so far meant that only him, kip and dusty was left. which meant dusty lied. he turned around to see a grinning dusty holding kip in a chokehold. "help!" kip gasped. "you lied.
The Victor's Cup - Chapter 5: The Endgame
If that indicated the elimination of a tithe, then the three beeps so far meant that only him, kip and dusty was left. which meant dusty lied. he turned around to see a grinning dusty holding kip in a chokehold. "help!" kip gasped. "you lied.
Dungeons & Adders CH5
"hold, kip.", an older otter said, placing a paw on the youth's shoulder. "we're here to scout." kip begrudgingly put his sling away and began observing with his elder.