More Than a Sip

I will probably end up redoing and making this one longer though.] maxwell sat at his computer, intently playing his game.

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Duty Chapter 17: Legally Binding

There was nothing he could reclaim or redo. he was almost at the age where he could be free. free from foster families and orphan agencies. he would be able to go wherever he wanted. finally do what he wanted. it had been his dream since he was six.

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Lion King : Pride United part 1

._ why thank you so much for reading i did redo this but still comment please

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The Creation of a Soul

Dirtying, cleansing, and redoing; these are all part of your journey, whatever you make it to be." the sphinx leaned in to tenderly kiss the little effigy on its forehead, eliciting a warm, calm aura from the doll.

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Going Home: Harland Part 2 of 5 (Excerpt)

redoing it four times until whoever was in charges decided they were happy with it and the crew turned around to the opposing house, something older, and set up so they seemed to be in the backyard.

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Dog Gone (22)

But i've been thinking of redoing the carpet." hudson replied. his back was towards me and he was facing out the window, leaning back in his chair. two dogs lay motionless on the ground on the sides of the desk.

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Cleaning Up (Alphabet Superset B)

"a redo, a reset. a... retake of the scene." he said as if that explained anymore what his idea was. "like when we roleplay?" brody said finally catching on. "you got it!

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Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 18

She wished she could redo this day. she'd never have gone to salem and bethany's house to say her own silent goodbye, watching as ander carefully made his way through the crowd, standing head and shoulders above everyone else.

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Scrapped - 7) The Dragonborn

(note: obviously i didn't like how this had played out, so i decided to redo that scene)_ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _"... very well then."

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the love of a horse

I just hope this posts on the first try, that would so suck (in a bad way) if i had to redo this. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dave stenson was always the study type, hence the reason he was

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Moving away Chapter 1

I will be redoing escaping the pack when i get the chance but i'm going to be working on this for a while. "ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"....god..time to wake up and go to work. and i was having a rather awesome dream to.

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A little payback part 2

The ending may seem kind of rushed,, so i may redo it later. setson made a smooth landing on the stone floor to his cave.

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