Duties of a Micro Servant (commission)
Duties of a micro servant the world was surprised when micros were revealed to live among those of normal size.
Lord's Love
F-for a servant to go around with clothes..." "for a servant, perhaps," said mardo, releasing jaxon's penis and moving around to kneel by his head, fumbling with his belt as he went. "but not for a master." jaxson looked up at mardo.
Secret's AU Adventure: Prince [Part 1 + A Short Extra]
You'd think that being a bring prince would be an easy job, but despite the life of luxury it afforded him, Prince Secret would have to disagree. He was too busy running around and attending important meetings to even access those luxuries that were...
Bedroom Diplomacy
Certainly he didn't keep the distance of a servant--and considering how unlikely it was that garin would ever gain a position of actual power, it was hard to think jax was just flattering him for personal gain.
In Service in Reverence
Finally, he reached out and took the servant's hand before he cleared his throat to speak, "thank you, i think. i cannot say that this is proper but i asked for a servant with a bit of personality so i suppose this is what i get."
Cornel and his Elves 5
But for now, they are the two most significant people in the world--cornell, her master, and caladine, her bonded servant. and she is the receptacle of their fucking fury.
Servants of Lotharr - The Arcanist
#2 of servants of lotharr didn't expect to write another story with these characters.
The Servant- Chapter 3
Chapter 3 of the servant, brought to you by [fa: prjfreak](http://www.furaffinity.net/user/prjfreak) and myself. please fave and leave a comment if you enjoyed it!
The Servant- Chapter 2
Are you honestly that surprised he would do something like this to one of his 'servants'?" the voice said, sounding like rakshan. "no, but this was too much. jordan was only protecting hi-" "aaahh!"
The Servant- Chapter 1
Sure, i have plenty of servants here, a few of which have earned my trust, but having a servant of that caliber...none of my enemies in the senate would ever see them coming!"
The Prelude - The Servant and the Prince
The two lovers lay down together and slowly drift to sleep, the servant and the prince, such an unlikely pairing...
Servant to a Naga - Beginning.
Each of the servants rooms had a walk in closet, and their own bathrooms, not to mention was a very good size. more then enough room to walk around and be comfortable. back to the front of the building.