Cherries bloom wild

The fox roared pulling a transparent string with his holding hand, activating a trap and making a rain of razor-sharp strings covered the fox and kin.

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...And the Drusky Makes Three

He picked a few strings, then found a spare high pitch string and put the case back, going to work at putting the string on his guitar. once he managed to get the string on and tune it, he smiled, strumming it a little.

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Chapter 8 Lion and the Lab

She pulled kanya over to a corner, pulling a length of string from a cabinet. there was a ring on the wall and rayla tied one end of the string to it. then she pulled the other end over to kanya, bending low.

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Lion and the Lab: Part 8

She pulled kanya over to a corner, pulling a length of string from a cabinet. there was a ring on the wall and rayla tied one end of the string to it. then she pulled the other end over to kanya, bending low.

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Different Circles

Octavia gently worked the bow in a long, slow arc across the strings, and then back again, letting the string vibrate.

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Shadow of a Freelancer Ch 19.) Broken Lucidity

This time however when he changed frets he placed his ring finger on the third fret of the second string and played on the forth sting, second string then open on the third string.

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Fast Learner part 3

Master produced then a long string of beads. at one end was a ring to grab them by. along the length of the string the beads were divided into three sections separated by a length of string without any beads on it.

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Venom, Episode 3

I don't see what string she's talking about. "what string, trig?" i ask the triple headed tigress. she point at the tip and then out the door. "not a string for seeing, for color-smelling." she says proudly.

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Gaining Lost Time- Chapter Five

The last book i picked to look at was string theory vol. 1 by polcatney, a rather large looking tabby cat. so i started reading about string theory and realized that i had no idea what it was.

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Blood on Ice - Chapter Nine

He knelt pulled the string from his pack and started to cut snare-size string for us. he gave us each a pawful of the cut string. "stay close and don't get lost. i'm going to go hunt us some dinner for tonight."

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Milking Fox: Holiday

The immigration agent pulled a short piece of green string from the drawer. "right paw" eric proffered a paw in confusion. "no, right, right." "oh, shit, sorry." the string was tied lightly around his wrist.

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Murciél's Madrigal

He waves his hands and glowing golden strings appear between his fingers like a glowing cat's cradle. he reaches up and down, binding a string between each pair of fingers and toes.

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