Shepherd Said.

Friendly infantry suddenly swarmed around me, coming out of the rockrete work like a angry mound of gormagon fire-termites. their war cries could be heard for miles. shepherd said, 'call for a medic, danny-boy.

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Enter the Cat-Prolouge

The room was pitch black and silent aside from the occasional squeak of large rats as an unnamed shirtless man sat, wrists painfully tied to the back of a termite riddled wooden chair.

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End Game - Chapter 24 - Not Dead Yet

He sniffed and the smell of termites filled his nostrils. agumon smiled and grabbed two handfuls. "hey, puppetmon!" puppetmon held agumon high so he was hanging upside down face to face. "well look who's returned from slumber land!

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MAALUM: Chapter 1 - Jackal Style

#5 of maalum before reading the first chapter, i want to tell you something: 1- this chapter happens during the first season of the lion guard, mentioning the episodes "the kupatana celebration" and "too many termites". 2- i want to show you the other side

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A Fish out of Water - Chapter 1

It sure had seemed like an eternity, and i, for one, intended to make the most of the day-and-a-half we had together...but a good night's sleep would _seriously_ have helped, and as my weary eyes hovered downwards before landing squarely on the filthy, termite-infested

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Nuka's Triumph

"as long as you keep your ego in check and don't forget that you came from the termite mounds in the outlands just like me," nuka said, narrowing his eyes and growling out the mention of termites.

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Parasite Stream Story 4: Hungry Parasites

Crawling through, they quickly made their way across the floor, forming a swarm that would have put the termite mounds out in the wild to shame. the first time cruella had seen it, she had shrieked. now, she just smiled.

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Fairly fair 2

While you two are young developing creatures with an huge appetite, they are like termites, destroying my forest - our forest - to build their homes and they systematically imprison its creatures and hunt them", even still, there was no rage in her voice,

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 6

He could still feel that itch boring into his stump like a swarm of termites, crawling all over with their tiny little claw feet, chewing on his flesh with their ugly little teeth. _and whose fault was that? ander.

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 6

He could still feel that itch boring into his stump like a swarm of termites, crawling all over with their tiny little claw feet, chewing on his flesh with their ugly little teeth. _and whose fault was that? ander.

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Ch1 : A lesson of radiology by practice

He doesn't have his index finger of left hand due to his experiments with termite. "sam! radio check!"

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Lion King III: The Prideland Reborn: Chapter III

He was at that age where all he wanted to do is run around and cause trouble, i almost got yelled at because he jumped head first into a termite mound. exhausted, i walked back to my makeshift home, setting myself down next to lati.

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