Character's Weapons
It is an invaluable tool and defensive implement when diving.
Fiery Fun
"three-fifty," he says to himself, soon rising to his feet and picking up the tools he had laid out, neatly stowing them away in the yellow and black tool box set up at his side.
A steer for a Bull
"it's a beautifully efficient castration tool... your sac goes in the end here." he pulled the handles apart, demonstrating how the jaws of the tool opened.
A Curious Salarian Is Dangerous
Mordin held up his arm, showing his omni-tool's screen to kroxal and letting him see the raw, carnal scene of the unnamed krogan and turian in the middle of fucking.
Powerless In Space- Chapter 2
> > the king flung his damp appendage against mc's cunny and starting absorbing her 'pokemon' who was supposedly called 'mating tool's' liquids.
Clouds Over California
With his tool still ready, leaking out pools of that tip, and a heavy swinging pouch that hangs down to his knees, the kaiju walked forwards.
That Time Of The Month
The hefty tool towered above his hand as the hint of his knot swelled into being above his curled fingers.
Freelancers, Chapter Seventeen
She activated her omni-tool and tapped a set of its hard-light controls. "having said that, in addition to the armor i requisitioned, i also authorized several upgrades for your omni-tools.
Everything You Want Act 1 - Makeshift Chemistry
Feeling that thick, pulsing tool slide in much deeper and give the dark male a few moments to breathe. the thick, soft ridges along that light blue tool nearly leaving imprints on the inner walls, as he made out her slit around the halfway mark. **this!
Marf in Trouble
Marf stared at the tools in the tool box. screwdrivers, pliers, the usual stuff. he felt comforted, and could feel a hard-on developing. something about those tools. he looked at the crosspoint screwdriver.
Heated Rub 3
She clenched, gripping his tool and knot within her, not wanting to lose that sensation of being full just yet. reluctantly she forced herself to relax, hearing a wet sucking sound as her mate's knot and tool were pulled free.
Your size matters (part five)
Millo finally found a type of tool which would serve the purpose he had in mind. "ok! now, all that i need to do it is to reconfigure the tool.