Zain's Suprise

Tears streamed down zain's cheeks as he helplessly watched the plant's vines snake their way beneath his clothes, tearing and ripping them away. before he knew it, zain was completely nude, hovering over the plant's open mouth.

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Pandemic- Day 47 12:04 PM 1/8/2023-Chapter 17-Engine Swap-Day 1

clothes tear, machines wear out and people grow old, just the way of the world." "you said you would teach me to drive as soon as i could reach the pedals", raf said, "so you better fix it."

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Kinktober 2022 Story Sketches 11-15

Brutal claws pricked and poked at his fur through his meager clothing, tearing through the thin material even as she adjusted herself atop him.

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Harbingers Ch4: The Shadow + Ch5: True Colors

The next thing she knew she felt a blow against the back of her head, and while she was dazed she felt her clothes tear away from her body, two hands spread her legs

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The Hunter and The Rift: Chapter One

The creature answered by shrieking at me, saliva and mucus spritzing forth, as everything in the once humanoid body crackling and shattering; skin now a loose cloth, tearing and wrinkling, upon an alien form."name yourself!

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Shadow Release - Shadow Lugia TF

He brought a hand to feel his muscles, taking pleasure in hearing his clothing tearing, exposing the beast within. likewise, he couldn't wait to see the full extent of his maleness once he was done testing the limits of the toy.

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Blood Offering - Malzeno TF

He was almost as large as it was, and showed no signs of stopping for the moment as he came out the last of his human seed, his clothing tearing away easily as it failed to contain his growing body.

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Get Served

Dragging his claws over her soiled clothes tearing a rather large hole over the front exposing her white tidies.

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Elsie's Curse

.** **she sobbed as she felt the last rags of her clothes tearing, and felt her huge breasts beginning to merge; nipples swelling and growing as her four breasts began to merge and slide down her expanding body towards her legs as they became udders, milk

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A New Partner: Chapter 1

I then suddenly heard my clothing tearing and ripping, roaring again in pain as i noticed my body truly changing now... i was gaining muscles, for some reason, i was bulking up in size and despite the pain... i was liking this...

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Blubbery Muffins

With a mixture of dread and curiosity, he threw open the door of the stall to check himself out in the bathroom mirror, but before he could fully take in his appearance, he heard cloth tearing.

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