I've Got Your Wing... And Your Tail

There was a beauty to faster than light travel- the ship seemed to be traveling through a tunnel of bright colors swirling around it in fantastical patterns.

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A Timely Autotheist Mistake

Within two years there was faster than light travel. another decade and the first colony around another star was founded. - our story begins on a science vessel orbiting a barren rock.

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You Are Here

He imagined that, in the absence of faster than light travel, wherever the tiger race came from they would likely have planned all of this and put it in motion over a century ago, possibly even before we had started to emit radio waves that could be

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Colonyship - Chapter 4 - House Arrest

They were not that far away from faster than light travel at the same time humans were still in late bronze age city states. "so your ancestors built this to live in while traveling to a new home?" silzon nods.

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The answer was both simple and utterly complex at the same time... not unlike the solution for faster-than-light travel. you just bent the rules, in this instance literally.

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Space Junk

The swirling aurora of faster-than-light travel fell away, replaced instead by a static rust colored haze of interstellar dust at the edge of a nebula. sam pushed off the metal grill and drifted over to the window, bracing one hand on either side.

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A Renegade Reborn - Pt6 - By The Horns

I'd like to say it was some neatly organized server room, because we were five hundred years in the future and had faster than light travel and sex robots and i had chips bolted to my retinas. it wasn't.

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Jackie-The-Junior Epilogue-Second-Chances

Some physicists are claiming that it may make faster than light travel possible, citing the mineral's reaction when high voltage current's applied to it.~ reaching over, i turn off the radio as i pull off the highway and onto a four lane thoroughfare

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Exile: Fearless

He assumed they were in faster than light travel, rendering the light of the stars invisible. it seemed to make sense all they could see outside was darkness, but he didn't want to be in ftl flight. he had to get to earth, warn proper authorities...

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Our gravitation web is moving them to a place in our system where they cannot harm us and where we can study their drives to learn the secrets of faster than light travel. this skin space technology intrigues us.

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Madison May of the Star Patrol!

"faster than light travel would become impossible also," may repeated, to make certain she'd understood correctly. "yes. for... at least two or three parsecs in all directions." "how long?" "centuries? millennia? i don't know."

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A Renegade Reborn - Pt8 - Wanderlust

." -- faster than light travel didn't mean 'instantly go from here to there', where 'here' is 'where i am right now' and 'there' is 'where i want to go'.

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