A Fool's reward

«maybe because it would be pointless to have a precise ritual if you could do everywhere... now stop your whining and pass me the book» the book itself was nothing out of the ordinary; covered with grey leather, the words on it faded from the passage of time

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He judged the passage of time by the fullness of his stomach, one meal at a time dictating how long he was awake, and just how long it took him to pass out again in a food-induced coma being how long his 'days' were.

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Maverick Hotel Part 29

Lastly, i remembered being connected to an iv drip and drifting in and out of consciousness, the only passage of time being a windowsill with the curtains half-drawn.

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Love Me As If There Were No Tomorrow (Chapter 12)

\>the image of gracie doubled over, crying still plagued your brain, and it never lessened with the passage of time. \>it was a scar in your memory now, something that would always remain sharp and clear regardless of the passage of time.

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Shattered Salvation, Draft 1 CH 01

He turned to leave it, but he could hear his pursuer coming, the sound of his steps measured, like the ticking of an old clock, like the passage of time, utterly inevitable. he prepared himself.

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Hypnovember - Day 11: Game

They laughed off the strange passage of time as a result of them all being a bit tipsy. val drew from the first "easy" deck. "speak the word that comes first to your mind right now."

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The Character pt 1/2

I guess, relaxed at not having the disturbing dreams any more i didn't notice the passage of time, before i realised it a few months of peaceful nights had passed.

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How long it was, she didn't know, too busy appreciating the contents to really care about the passage of time. but after a certain amount of time passed, she became aware of her bodies need.

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Symn Learns

Surrounds note a severe passage of time. locale, dirty. maintenance-dae inoperable. i. eye. eye eye eye. am unable to consider m-maintenance my. my self. myself." shivering, adia stared at her newfound treasure, as it lapsed into stillness.

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Between Dreams and nightmares Beta2

This progressed for quite some time and with the passage of time (1,000 years to exact), princess luna began to change. the jealously that once seemed such a trifle thing began to change into something else, and that something else was called anger.

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040 The Lowgrounds

Inside the sphere is a heat source running in slightly accelerated time, sort of like a tiny flame-coloured star complete with its own solar prominences, whilst the external sphere slows the passage of time instead.

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