The Exile

A massive wooden door adorned with the symbols of the lunar capital and lined with gold is opened by two guards.

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The Four Forces: Prologue

Even with his full army at his disposal it was not enough to withstand the forces his former ally, arangir the leader, had gathered to eliminate the capital of the kingdom, aradûn.

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The Legend Of Spyro-Perils Of War Ch 16

If michael was here, he would already be in the capital yelling at the king, but that isn't a good idea for you. this will be resolved within a few hours."

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Children of Earth - Part 4

She had decided, with support from the senate, to rename this capital. now that the flag was raised and waving in the wind, it was official. she was standing in new el paso, capital of schanxi.

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Galactic Conflict - Chapter Fifteen

The single fighters rocketed forward and engaged the creepers that were outside of the capital ships' firing solutions that were target infected capital ships or the winged serpents.

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The Mook Maker, Interlude 3: The Sage

He had been there, in the capital, in the time of peace. he was even granted an audience with one of the king's advisors back then, a minor achievement not reached by many.

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Sins of the Past (7/12)

It was a good thing too, the dragon knight thought as he took a quick flight up with zefrit and saw the lights of the capital city ahead, because they were about to get to the capital with their only plan being to get into the registry of dragons and

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Fifth entry

However, this detour is not without danger, it takes us quite close to the capital, which is still firmly in the hands of the torekmetian army.

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Albion chapter 7

And he most certainly had never been to the capital, where the king held court. he couldn't even imagine the capital itself, though he'd heard stories.

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Sith encounter fix chapter

"to all sith lords-return to the capital world of the empire. this is an emergency situation."

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Bed Wish

When they return to the capitalism, athena rushes to find the captain and report their findings.

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Children of Earth - Part 1

It was the only way to ensure the region fell into your control when you took the capital. "we have taken the northern continent completely, as well as the capital, and have obliterated most significant force gatherings with bombardments."

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