Paying for College
Paying for college for kacacarrotcake by draconicon home for the holidays, iggy was struggling to put the life of a college student behind him and embrace the fun times that his mom had prepared for them.
College Gains
Melody just went through her day, and soon it was time for her to sleep, wake up, and then go to her actual first day of college at ten in the morning. melody's first day of college was uneventful.
College Cock
Byron huffed, leaning against the wall. His foot-long cock was clearly outlined against his jeans and begging for sweet release. It twitched, sending a wave of need up the dragon's spine, but he managed to ignore it. Keeping his hands shoved firmly in...
College Freshfox
Commission for slushiefoxxx at the arctic fox slushie arrives for his college education in new heidelberg and gets a warm welcome he did not expect. #### welcome to valhalla - shortstories series !
Paying for college
I couldn't burden my family either, they couldn't afford to pay me through college. i moved out because i wanted to be more independant, right? i didn't necessarily have to go to college... but then, where did that leave me?
College Heat
She'd just picked up new interests in athletics and school spirit... she was just broadening her horizons as many furs do in college.
New Beginnings 1 [Scrapped]
_so i'm leaving my friends and everything behind to go to college._
Mage Classes
There are six main classes when it comes to Mages. Each one is based off a core aspect of magic that takes great skill to master. This does not mean that a mage can not learn other types of magic, but the council of high mages has dictated that to be a...
College, Chapter 5
Classes started, and free time ended. Between doing laundry, work-study, classes and outside of class studying, I found little time for the clubs I'd signed up for. I did find the exercise trails that ran through campus and tried those out, twice a...
College, Chapter 4
This is the first year of orthodox missions to state college, pennsylvania. this is the first year of college for many students. this is the first time some of you have even heard of the orthodox church.
Diapered College Fox
Dakota is just your typical college student, if you ignore the diapers that is.
College, Chapter 3
The smile stayed on his face and he shook my hand again, "welcome to the college of communication, school of film and video production. if your short and your attitude are any indication, you could be the next woody allen."