The Mayapan Codex.

Cahlaak vûl - a creator god who helped create humanity. twelve other gods were also involved in creating humanity. xcthol vûh - the god who created the human mind and consciousness. ah khan - the god of male fertility, lust and wine.


FoxTail Prologue

With the organization established and a new system implanted into law, shifters began to create lives with humans.

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The Dragon's Treasure

But look at you now, instead of creating works of great art for the kings and members of the royal court, you create wares for everyone. all because of a woman, a handmaiden for the princess yasmine, no less.


Thrygon: The Unknowing God

But that was probably because that's how they were created to think

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The Kovarudia

Borrowing from the xenomorphs of a movie series shi enjoyed on earth, as well as a species known as "shaft beasts" which shi encountered at one point, author created the kovarudia to meet both the need of the costume line, and hir own desire to create a new

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Chapter 7 - The Star

"we created you, you are the third one created, the first two elcypse's were created to act as balances to nature and you are doing the same.


Milking Stable story

In this symphony of equine sensuality, both mares reciprocate the exploration, creating a mesmerizing dance of tongues and udders.

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Remlus' World

In response the rose began to create sub organizations, smaller roses, divided by magical talent not species. the true rose's only response was the create its own. the two roses fought, creating new groups until the groups i was born into were created.

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Rise of the Gods - Prologue

It had created the universe that it currently resided in as a means of alleviating its boredom. this being, this entity of supreme power, was not sure how it had been created or if it had always just been.

Creation of Id

He said, wondering how a world can be created in such a short time.

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Twin Thalocs

She created a whole new universe inside her mind; she created a new life for herself out of her old one, whatever it may have been. there is life and there is death, and nary the twain shall part.

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