Hyena Dad
george packs and we take some of his things to my house and my butler, edward puts them away while george and i eat the supper edward had ready for us.
Just A Small Town Boy
"it's still his home, george."
Within the Valley 2
From this, george was soon to come.
Chrysanthemums Chapter 3
"goodnight, george."
Life of Sam Episode 2 "Remby"
Sam said, george, having enough of listening.
Along Came A Spider - Chapter 1
george said getting up and heading to pay.
Alligator Bred
george is silent until i am done talking. and i hold my breath awaiting my gator's reaction. george gets up and walks to the door.
A Night Shift Stuffing
george licked his lips and rubbed his fingers along his shaft.
Vacation With an Athlete CH.6
george said.
Man's Best Friend
Panting slightly, lucy, stared at george with those big browns. "george... please... i need this..." george, at this point, knew he'd never get closer to his dog than he was now. he wasn't about to leave her with memories and fantasies.
The Brony Chronicles: Chapter 1
george was now to be an honorary citizen of equestria.
"george," karn said, running his hands through the fur on the fox's back and having to make a conscious effort not to go down any farther, "what's going on?" there was no response. "george. george!"