Death's Blood Ch. Seven: The Hunter's Heart

The greyhound follows as well. noticing the greyhound, the shephard asks, "wait. whot business has _he_?" i answer bluntly, "i promised 'im david. he deserves this urgent information."

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Oh So Tragic - Part 4

They were being followed by two men, both greyhounds, in a high-speed chase on king street. whitefire and one of the greyhounds were both trying to gun each other down, ralone says.

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Teaser: ...he'll tie if he wants to!

They might be four-leggers, but i was a greyhound, and i was on the cross country team. i jumped into the slide they were spilling head-first down, sliding smoothly on my shorter fur.

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Behind Closed Doors

"wait, you mean-" the greyhound asked, eyes wide with disbelief, cut off midsentence by his friend's lips kissing his. mint, that was the noble's lips tasted like to aiden, just like the mint tea felix loved so much.

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Patch opened his eyes to see a silver greyhound grinning at him. "h-huh...?" he said sleepily. "i come down here to see if the couple upstairs had a kid. pity to split up a family, you know."

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Health spa, a Tina story

As they walk in they see a slender female greyhound at the reception desk. "hello how may i help you today?" is the greyhound's cheery greeting. "i have an appointment for two." answered ray "name please." "mr and mrs goldstein."

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Tina's Story Chapter 48 Health Spa

As they walk in they see a slender female greyhound at the reception desk. "hello how may i help you today?" is the greyhound's cheery greeting. "i have an appointment for two." answered ray "name please." "mr and mrs goldstein."

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Tale 8-1 - Subconsciously Swollen

Without ceremony or decorum, the greyhound wolfed down the rest of his lunch, tossed the disposable container in the trash, and tried to covertly hurry his way to the restroom.

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Kara reluctantly came to a halt, nodding as she followed the greyhound and mole out of the room.

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Covering Fire

Sugar jumped out of dion's plate and into the trench in front of the bunker, the huskies and greyhound positioning themselves to the left and right of the door.

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The Voyages of the Rebellious Bastion, Chapter II

Hard greyhound dick slid easily in and out of the skunk's tight young ass to the delight of both. edgar took it slow at first to give his assistant time to adjust to his dick.

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Composition FF-SxD 06

And all other things ceased to exist between the focused stares of the greyhound and dragon.

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