Halo: FUBAR Chapter 06 - With Great Promotion Comes Great Responsibility

A hornet descended from the heavens, followed by several pelican drop ships carrying marines and warthogs. the hornet touched down and sergeant boone jumped off the stabiliser.

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Crocs of the Leather Stick Together 13 - Keen-Eyed Killer

Through the hornet hives, the zingers were oblivious enough to the kremling's inner politics to allow the two reptiles free passage.

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The Way They Are

And even if it were, what am i against something that might be a hornet's nest at least a hundred times bigger than the one i'm already part of?

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Open Season Chapter 36:Healer's Dilemma

But, she wasn't considering what a hornet's nest she would be stirring up by doing so. "gwen." kel pleaded. "i can _help_her, i can _heal_her, and i _want_to help! why can't i do just _that?

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The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Thirteen

Fortunately, you and i have an agreement, so wolf hornets are the least of your worries." adlis' ears turned pale in the silver moonlight, but she didn't say anything else. nodding in satisfaction, kulgan jerked his thumb at the tent.

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The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Fifty One

It was poison from a wolf hornet's stinger, from the body of a twisted human. that was like the royal cuisine of poisons, and he savored every second that it spent trying to tear him apart.

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Dinosauria- Chapter 7- Of Heroes & Giants

The hornet landed on the alley floor, unconscious but alive. seth looked at rook 1, "good work. pawns," the raptors stood at attention, "we need to get this giant man out of the city. can you do that?"

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Rebellion Chapter 7

The crew had discussed the options they had and this was the best one, after all they did score a fully functional cloaking device from an imperial drop ship and thanks to mike and ruck they had jerry rigged it to cloak the hornet.

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The First Mission

The hornet landed on the alley floor, unconscious but alive. seth looked at rook 1, "good work. pawns," the raptors stood at attention, "we need to get this giant man out of the city. can you do that?"

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Chapter 5: The Queen

"hornet-3, hornet-4, you ready?"             "roger that, c.w.o; we're ready to blast some lycans."             "negative, hornet-3; unknown targets in danger close, repeat, unknown targets."             "chief, those friendlies?"            

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Bioshock - First Encounters

Bullets whiz over my head like maddened hornets embedding themselves in the back wall. and speaking of maddened hornets one of the splicers waves his scabbed, insect sting ridden arm and a swarm of hornets came flying towards the store.

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Terveta-Chapter 1: Warning (Part 2)

The double panels that they all had stood in front of hummed like a giant nest of hornets, as they began to pull away from each other. blizzard felt his lips and posture relax before he began forward again.

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