False Identity
Kate was not a huge fan of people on the internet. while she loved how the internet was a place where everyone was able to voice their opinions, it was also the downside is that everyone was able to voice their opinions, no matter what it was.
Ethernet Bridges
Redwolf felt his shorts tightening as his new internet girlfriend suggested having internet sex with him. [yeah. interested?] is she joking?! redwolf wanted to scream.
The Life I Live
It was so nice to have people i could talk to about games, and things we find on the internet. speaking of the internet, grade 9 was the time my mom finally bought a computer.
Gargoyles: Protectors of the City
Or get water from the internet. you can't travel using the internet. and the internet won't defend you if your castle is attacked." "castle? broadway, your head is still living in the tenth century. but you're technically correct.
Red's Interesting Day Part 3
: a - 2 b - 0 c - 1 d - 6 again d won by a landslide and you naughty furs wanted the cubs to search the internet.
Getting Over Her with T.L. Green
The wild dog had tried to distract himself with videogames, books, wandering the internet, even good old-fashioned healthy exercise, but none of it had worked for very long.
My brother is leaving or being kicked out of the house soo i won't be here for a long while or week unless he stays reason y he pays for the internet so if he leaves so does the internet and helps with most of the bills here so......yeah....my family is
Großstadtleben - Kapitel 3: Was geschehen ist, ist geschehen
Im internet war alex viel offener und gesprächiger als im wirklichen leben, was ihm leider ab und zu so manche chance zerstörte.
For The Love Of Pete
Would it be okay if i used your internet connection for a while. i've got a project due and the connection dad's got keeps crashing." again pete looked around.
The Digimon Wars Chapter 6 The Battle Begins
Odd, the internets down?'' a teacher came to him. ''what do you mean? it doesnt work?'' the student on the computer was also confused. ''yeah, ever since they found that weird animal the internet's been going crazy.''
Heart of Stone CH 2 The Absence of Fear
That was just stuff i managed to dig up on the internet." she pulled the ottoman over next to his chair and sat down.
Cable was out and so was the internet. ok, now he was worried. what the hell was he going to do without the internet? read a book? he stepped outside. the car alarms were all off by now but more people were out of their homes. "hey, george!"