Excerpt from "A World of Darkness" (Graphic)

Sarah held the dagger with both hands as she closed her eyes and started to speak phrases in latin. emma panicked.

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Genetic Children-Log 04- Did you know your hand is wet?

€ _the latin word for away, she shoved his chest hard and he fell backwards landing on the ground that was surprisingly soft. when he hit the ground he blinked and she was gone._ _â _ **beep!

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Holy Leviathan

latin's a little rusty." everyone in the room was confused, but splitter had a wicked smile on his face, and a hidden sorrow in his expression. latin was a completely dead language, only a few select scholars bothered to learn it in these modern times.

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Cursed, Eternal Wish (By MouseJ)

He had remembered that hearing the deep gregorian chants in latin had stirred something within him that had managed to move his, by then, millions of years old heart, much like the halls of the norsemen.

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A Country Outing-A Night on the Town- A Gray Muzzle story

, a latin dance club. ! !hola! was well known as a fun, open place, where men and women, humans and anthros mixed it up in the hot latin atmosphere. not long after their arrival, the girls met a group of four guys. "wanna dance?"

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QCP: NS-05 Sundered Hearts

I went to qc rome and paid for some quick latin lessons so as to help me to develop the latin accent for libra's usage. that way, libra had his way of speaking and i had my own. separately.

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The begining school.

Deus in latin is god. ex in latin usually means different things, but in this context, it would mean from, or from within. deus ex, is god from within.


Holy Protector Chapter 2

He asked micheal in latin, "has secutus est me? deinde si quid diabolus me daemonia?" which means, has he followed me? has the devil or any of his demons followed me here?

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Genetic Children-Log 05- Hi! I am...

She kept repeating the same word, the latin word for meeting. as she said it this time she stopped playing and dropped her hand into the water.

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Wylde Wolf.

"latin word for wolf." he added. vince paused. "wait....how the heck do you know latin?" he turned to see 'lupus' had taken off his shorts and had made himself comfortable in vince's bed.

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A Past Untold (The Uncensored) Chapter 1: Kiryu

Most of them were written in latin or some other incomprehensive language.

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Merlin handed me the spell scroll with the latin upon it, then turned back to his cauldron and began chanting once again. this went on for awhile, then he signaled me, and i recited the latin spell scroll, aloud.

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