There is a human in my life! (Corrected)
I was a little confused because of that new style: 3rd person narration. i hope you like it.about the story: the same story from a different perspective. nothing special.
Forsaken I was not sure where I had been taken, where I'd woken up. The mossy aroma of earth and compost seized my nostrils forthwith. I nearly felt as if I might sneeze with the pungent potency of it. My dubious sight fought to focus fruitlessly,...
LIttle Brother
Accompanying narrative to 'fix' i follow him around the debris-strewn room, the filthy pallet of the floor tripping me as i try to make my way through. it's so absurd to imagine that he actually lives here in this destruction.
Interlude: Meet Nadia
Volunteer corps and military familiescall me nadia, your friendly interlude narrator. i thought i would set some things straight about the world before we move forward. there are three ways to join a crew. first there is the draft brand.
The Journal in a Bottle
I write this journal with a heavy heart and a weary mind, for the terrors I've seen are ones of despair to any other seafarer. In the continent men speak of beasts under the sea, of monsters humongous and of pure evil that roam the waters distant...
Hunter Thurman's (Brief) Meta Journey
Once he spat out some more of his stomach's contents, the german shepherd immediately went inside his home before the so-called all-powerful narrator could change his mind.
Tina's story moves to Sofurry
Ray groweled > > "i'm your narrator" > > "our narrator?" tina repeated > > "yes, your narrator. people can hear you speak, but they can't see you. so i narrate. thus, they know what they'd see, if they were here...." > > can you demonstrate?"
Chapter Two: Thrice Warned
Sincerely, the narrator."** _ he read aloud. "wait? the narrator? are you sure that's what it says?!" aimee exclaims with a wild look in her eye. "my mum used to tell stories of him." _"apparently she didn't even read the note.
Flash Fiction 1: The German Sheppard
First person is where the narrator is the main character, for example: "i went shopping." third person is where the narrator talks about the main character, for example: "he went shopping."
How the Foxyote Ruined Christmas and then Saved Christmas
Kickaha cheered the narrator on.
The Disappearance: Chapter 3 - Robert Walker
The ghostly voice narrates, "i was a rune keeper. to be exact, i held the rune of defense."
Aurora Borealis
There is no audio track underlaying the narration; the pyrotechnics and the audience drown out any other source of sound.