Boy's Night Out

After no more than 5 minutes of driving, they pull into a nice subdivision with many well-kempt houses. kurt turns into the third driveway from the entrance, parking the car and shutting it off. "well, here we are."

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Chapter 2: Under Someone's Shadow

We all know how exciting it is to work in the intelligence subdivision with a ship. admiral ronse, out.

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Caught In The Pleasurable Act

Living alone in a subdivision that was still being built around her, she didn't have any proper neighbors, and rarely did she have any company, but this time, she did have an hour before any would arrive.

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Leo's Life - Chapter 1

The cars were covered, the roads were barely touched, and the sidewalks were nearly invisible in the subdivision. there was little hope for it melting soon due to the gray overcast sky above.

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"The Gift": A Primer on Spirits

While it's true that **trickster spirits** don't have subdivisions in the same manner as other spirits, they can be separated into their methodology (which can and does change over time).

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New Genesis Chapter 3: Soto

He mounted it and headed for one of his safe houses in one of the human-abandoned subdivisions that used to house thousands of humans before the strain had ravaged it twenty years ago.

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Story Request - Shadow's Lesson

His house was definitely one of the nicer ones in the subdivision, with a huge front lawn full of mom's flowers, balconies looking out over picturesque views of the far off mountains, and a fenced in backyard that kept prying eyes from seeing in

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Thanks for Everything

He lead her between two houses and into a lightly forested area behind a subdivision. "where're we going?" nikki asked, bunnyears perked.

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Anniversary Dinner

Each layer was divided into top and bottom halves, and each subdivision was decorated with utmost care. a message in frosting circled each half-layer of the cake, immortalizing their most memorable moments together as well as icing could.

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Break Room

Edwards, but while a contract with us does prevent outside contracts with other legal firms, we have multiple subdivisions so you can personalize your legal council to your needs and liking so you're getting everything you could want from any other firm, all

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[Commission] Max and Kelsey After Scouts Fun

They had been friends since they were toddlers, living close together and being some of the only kids their own age in their subdivision they quickly became friends.

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Ms. Schafer's Family, Chapter Three

"it's probably a fairly new subdivision that they're calling a town," jeff pointed out. "new constructions do that all of the's probably a post office, a gas station, some railroad tracks and a neighborhood out in the distance.

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