15,000 Foot Plummet to Electrified Barbwire
Because he was a mascot, and technically a toon, he wasn't permanently damaged, but he wasn't going to be able to walk right for a while. so much for his entrance at the opening ceremony, or even half-time.
A Raccoon's Portrait
And as his door closed, it became a toony door covered with etchings of cocks, male symbols, and cum splotches on it.
The Mascot Factory
The machine moulds your body like clay into more toony proportions, along with sexier touches. your ass is made just a little rounder, and your paws bigger.
Roo Flu Two (QCP: BJ-Eps06)
Unless you are cured immediately, you could be stuck as a toon kangaroo for the rest of your life. when a toon is infected, they have thirty days to get the cure.
Goofin' Good Dogs
The toon said, his partner holding his arm as he pulled him back on the bed.
A Second Date with Groovia
Not that there was going to be much of a distinction with lana's toon powers ready to join in their fun.
The childhood part 1
We are in the toon universe, where the impossible is possible! but the third universe is known as the kurai universe. aka, dark universe. it is like toon world, but everything is different over there.
Carnival Cleanup (QCP: BG-Eps02)
"now, i'll open the toon hole to the correct destination, the first time. after you go through, pick up the toon hole and put it into your unseen pocket, just like i taught you. and remember what you promised me, gerard."
Burnin' Bunny Buns Pt 2
Her other half, and co-host of tiny toon adventures slowly slipped into her room, closing the door with a sheepish, nervous look etched across his features, and held up a few sheets of paper.
Mistress Switch and Co
It was toon logic at work. she lived in an adult toon world now. most sex would be censored somehow, but very much implied. mistress switch walked through the portal and spread her arms wide. "hey myu!"
Toony Torture
As he tumbled into the tv he found that he was now in a cartoony forest, "where am i?..." he suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder, "huh?" as he turned around he found himself face to snout with a cartoony wolf.
Channel Surfin'
Sandy's jaw dropped as she kept her eyes locked hungrily on the toon rabbit's cock as he lined himself up with her needy slit. "ah gosh!" sandy thought to herself, "an' on da first date too!"