KAVUA Chapter 2 - Finding Home

wildlife came near the active city, almost seeming like they wanted to join in the fun and games as well. the ocean slammed against the rocks and cliffs to the beat the drummers were making. everyone was in tune with everyone and everything around them.

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POV vore - you and a bear 4

It's a five mile hike and sometimes you get to see cool wildlife. today you run into a bear. unfortunately. you come around a corner on the rocky trail and there it is, coming the other way up the trail.

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Brit the Photographer (WIP)

"though most of the work i get paid for ends up in them wildlife magazines, its what i prefer to do. gives me an excuse to see the world."

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Animals Enforced (Citadel Truths - Eps 3)

We were on our way up to the wildlife reserve and the waitress told us that you own the place. would it be alright if we visited the reserve today?"

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Eleven

I wasn't exactly sure what he meant by "director of magical creatures and wildlife," but i was relieved to find out that there was someone in here who was on my side.

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Not a Wolf [2000 words]

Mom had referred to mark as part of the local 'wildlife', an anti-anthro slur. the final straw, however, had been when dad informed me i'd be leaving for south dakota in the morning to learn to be a 'real man' on my great-aunt's farm.

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Chapter 9 - This Seems Familiar

I wasn't expecting people like us, but with the so-called wildlife here, i had high hopes.

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The wildlife chirping as i make my way toward a nearby stream. water as clear as the cloudless sky above. and thats when i saw her.   across the quaint stream she stood in a plain white dress.

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Love and Radiation Chapter 4

Sunny seemed to notice as well and said "we better get her back to town, its gonna be dark out soon and i don't fancy our chances against some of the more dangerous wildlife" owen nodded again and went to pick up the woman.

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Falling for a lioness part 19 and 20

When in the wildlife there only rule, which was only the strong survive. "better go start my rounds "i said to myself, as i begin to walk view the jungle that we had called home.

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POV vore - you and a bear 5

It's a five mile hike and sometimes you get to see cool wildlife. today you run into a bear. unfortunately. you come around a corner on the rocky trail and there it is, coming the other way up the trail.

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