Before taeskea could gather his senses, the a.i.'s hologram reappeared on his opposite flank, much to the admiral's further surprise.
technology vs the lord
The recent attack on him by the a.i. shadow had been quite . . . entertaining. most would have fallen to it, but it was adapted for organic beings, not beings made of pure energy like silva.
#6. Legacy Revealed
The a.i did as i instructed and shut everything off for the night while we went topside. launa and the others went back to the "haunt" a nickname i gave the place i'm living in.
Crusader Part 10
The a.i. and mystic glance at each other, magnum nods as he decides to play along, elvo has a drone remove the chest piece and there is a small cavity where there looks to be a lock-box of some kind.
Awakening the Giants
The a.i. chose not to elaborate on just how she would accomplish that particular deed, leaving captain rubin to draw his own conclusions.
A biomechanical hacker is sent on a high-risk mission to retrieve an enemy a.i. as in most things, sex results. my first commission, courtesy of handofblades (on fa).
Crusader Part 8
The a.i. checks her index "six hours, thirty seven minutes and nine seconds."
All Systems Go
And oedipal a.i. gets a new robot body and he's taken quite an interest in mum!
P.O.D.S Manual
Now that alone might sound dull and boring, i'm sure you're saying to yourself 'why the hell do i need an a.i to help me with what i already know?'
The Last Malchix Night
This was the beginning of the ape control with them at first saying they still had connection to a.i. then later saying a.i. and the center was lost, then making all their different religious sects and wars..."
The Furry Rebellion: The crossing of Two Paths
Hell the didn't even take out the a.i. yet this was quite a find. i then walked back to the drop ship after removing the a.i. checked the rest of the computer no more information.
Halo: First Contact, Chapter 1: One Small Step For Man
Nothing i'm sure an a.i of your caliber needed to do." she looked at him fiercely, an impressive action considering she didn't really have a way to do that. "just remember, a bored a.i can make...mistakes."