Eclipse of the Moon - Prolog
male zu klären.
Little Wings of the Storm
Two birds fly from the church tower taking up the delicacy the leaves have lost, feathered spirals and loops recognized by all men instead of the blind man's dancing colored leaves and the invisible musician who crafts their dance.
Power of Legends 3
The bunny's were all male, and looked to be no more than seven years old; children. the lion guard commented "you'll find quite a few species on the estate whose numbers are quite high. bunnies and lions, as you can probably tell.
The Dragon Flayer
Bat, all male continued the now ultra sensitive dragon, breathing close to climax. the dragon feeling more like him self, started to have thoughts. the spell was weakened while the night devil pumped his ass. he felt the loosening woods.
Insanity (origin story)
"no that's a dumb idea" "what do we feed it 'n stuff" the cheetah looked over at them, masks covering her face, but she could assume some of their species, all males.
Mystery Skulls and Scooby: The Flaggelation of Love
"it goes to show all men must in fact die" velma said factly and truthfully, no joek. "yeah they must" said daphne eating another salad prickle. they took axes from their endometriums, ready to kill.
One Memorable Journey Pg.2
Jackie's squad was all male and consisted of two cheetahs, a black panther, a lion and jackie himself. they jogged past and went up into the shuttle, buckling in as alex and her squad came in and got settled.
Excalibur senior staff
She loves hank more than anything, and respects and admires tom, who showed her all men aren't pigs (before she met hank).armory chief: callie hammond. semi-anthro kuvasz, and second wife of tom hammond.
Preaching to a Bear
"all three of y'all got it simple," the know-it-all boy drawled. "anyone can hitch up in front of a bunch of people in a big, safe building.
Badd Hypno
That's why we have our niche: the first, all-male..." "been done," benjy grumbled. "..all gay!" darby spoke loudly, as though to silence benjy's criticism. "all-male, all-gay superhero squad! that's what you all are supposed to be."
Official Remarks: Virtan, Chief Medical Biologist, Governmental Institute for Biological Sciences
There are a sufficient number of females in our society, with proprietors and red ones combined, to ensure that all men mate and reset on a regular enough level.
The Fire Down Below - Story Fragment
"he's a male, and like all males, they have needs." "guess so," said nancy, smiling at the older tigress.