I wrote this .txt on january 27, 2011 when i was 20 years old and still living with my parents. very short, and i hope you like it.
Darkness in the Trees - large poem
I wrote this poem way back in 2011, but i never really liked it. i finally buckled down and fixed it. now that it's new and improved i've seen a big improvement in the way i describe events and environments. i still need work, but for now i'm proud.
Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #3 - Black-and-Orange Market
Your performance this season was a key part of clinching the southern division, and taking the team to the 2011 quarterfinals.
Horsetits: A Tale of Excess - Alternate Ending
Nbsp; started - 8/12/2011
Small Town Sheriff, Big Problems. Chapter 1: Organized Chaos
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date: august 3rd, 2011. time: 11:45pm.
Werewolf Tale II - Chapter 10 - Off The Familiar Path
The first nine chapters of werewolf tale ii were written with respect to a very old draft of werewolf tale, that being the nanowrimo 2011 draft i finished in june 2012.
Werewolf Tale II - Chapter 20 - Effective Violence
Saturday october 22nd, 2011 moon phase - waning crescent the warmth in alex's skin vanished at the sight, and his heartrate shot up too.
Werewolf Tale II - Chapter 17 - ...Meet The Family
Monday, october 17th, 2011 moon phase - waning gibbous when shane said nothing in response, and showed no hint of being insulted at the statement, alex went back to work. two days.
Werewolf Tale II - Chapter 16 - I'd Like You To...
Saturday, october 16th, 2011 moon phase - waning gibbous "why are you here" was what alex's father said as he stood frozen in place. "not to cause trouble, sir. i swear." shane said. his eye contact towards his father never wavered.
Cronological stories cronological stories 2011 update year stories 2300 hello sunrise!
Legio Parta Nostra 5 taster.
Ddraig 2011. as i walked out of the town hall and into the square. i saw len by the cart tending to the horses, whilst allie was over by the well in the centre of the square. i could not see the soldiers who escorted us to the town.
Icebound - A Word From The Author
I rediscovered this story sitting on my computer in the summer of 2011. a great wealth of time on my hands resulted in my decision to attempt to turn this into an actual novel of sorts.