A Thief for Dinner
Inside, the acids had already gotten a start into peter's body. his skin was quickly fizzing off in large, fleshy chunks as chyme washed up over him, and bits fell off to join the acid below with small little splashes and pops.
Breeding and quarantine part 1: First Love
I picked it up with a glove and sprayed it with the acid. after sterilizing it with the acid i put it in my hand and looked at it closely. it was like blood but it was very runny and it floated to the top of the vial.
To Give Chase
Dean, on the other hand, is sloshing around in the stomach acids. he bleats weakly as fur comes off his body and floats in the acids. he picks it up and lets it fall back in.
its not easy being gay part 2
A skunk's acid is not only very irritant but also sticks to really tell others off so as they cleaned up the acid they took off ping's fur which the acid had melted.
Videolog 1-1
This pill helps the body make large amounts of pepsin and various other acids in a short amount of time. this is related to the metabolism thing. the extra enzymes help break proteins down into amino acids and building them back into muscle.
Random Raptor Vore
It was the last sound ahastar heard as the acids burned through his eardrums, leaking through the gap into his brain. soon, the acids burned through to ahastar's heart and dissolved it, leaving no blood flowing through the raptor's body.
A Massive Aquatic's Visit
The wolf's sudden disorientation was fortunately cut short, but that fortune took two steps backward as he fell into a lake of hot, dense stomach acid with a hard slap.
Mine Vorer.
I noticed that the place was getting warmer and some sort of acid dripped from the ceiling, but i managed to dodge the few drips that threatened to fall over my fur.
queen roo smiles apon her servants(part 1)
Rose swallowed in the last of him and he now had landed in his acidic tomb. the male screamed in pain as his fur burned away at the hot unforgiving acids struggling so very hard but was very uneffective.
A Furry Clue - Chapter 6: Drugs, Sex, and Murder!
Rose said with fear, hugging the fox as the acid was only a few inches from them. the chandelier was slowly starting to break, but no one noticed.
King of the Hive
The modified xenomorph sliced a finger across his palm, opening his hand for the acid to come. it spilled over a grate in the wall, and he removed it when it had broken down enough.
POV vore - you and an ottertaur
Once the acid gets through with the clothing, it'll be your turn. the sleepy otter belches, and most of the remaining air leaves. nothing left now but saliva, and the acid that's replacing it as the clothes dissolve. you've never died before.