The Egg Assignment, part 3
"atlas." "atlas? unexpected. how unexpectedly irresponsible of him." the drake sat back and scratched at his chin. "hmmm... i always thought atlas had a keen sense of perspective.
City Sector Uplift part 3
Pyxis also noticed atlas, and she bowed at him too. "good morning, atlas. you're looking sharp!" "good morning, pyx," atlas replied. jarzyl grinned and she briefly threw her wings around pyxis in a hug, visibly happy to see another friend.
Champion of the Beast Lands 3
"atlas," lake said, keeping his gaze forward. "hold him back if he tries something. i'll take care of the rest." "lake. are you sure-" "just trust me on this, atlas."
Horny Fledgling
Caden nodded at atlas. "atlas, do you even know what i'm talking about?" "i do, but i shall pretend i don't," atlas replied. "hmm? talking about what?" jarzyl asked innocently, as she came trotting back around the corner and returned to her bedroom.
The Man of Iron part 8
She said, atlas inhaled sharply, "miss canter, thank you.", atlas got up and put the chair aside, "wait!" ashuri said, atlas turned his head towards her, " ear itches..." she said, obviously embaressed. atlas laughed shorty, "which one?"
Champion of the Beast Lands 2
"atlas." lake nodded and outstretched his paw. "well, thanks, atlas." atlas smiled and shook paws with his new acquaintance. as he made contact, a feeling ran through the bear.
Champion of the Beast Lands 5
"my name is atlas and this is lake. he is the champion, heralded by the king himself." "atlas..." "the king, huh? i thought he all but shut us out," zee huffed.
Mizalin-on-Sky: Thunderous
Bye, atlas." "byeee..." atlas muttered.
Astro and the Buried Boner part 6
atlas teased before he chucked the stick away and anubis chased after it! "huh?!" astro jumped up and ran up to atlas...."what....are you doing?!" "playing?" atlas replied. "that's embarrassing!
Ch 3: Getting Bullied
Would atlas even want to? as if to answer her question, atlas snorted. a pink tip slowly emerged from his fluffy sheath. it drooped heavily toward the ground, slick with moisture. atlas clearly felt the same way as she did.
Mizalin-on-Sky: Fledgling Friendship
"hi atlas," jarzyl replied. atlas nodded towards the female fledgling sitting beside him. "this is glecion. she's a... an old friend."
Astro and the Buried Boner: part 9
That would be interesting for me and atlas to watch?" > > atlas snickered. "watching my boy friend get pounded by demonic apparitions doesn't give me a rise." > > astro gave atlas a wry sneer. "or we could?.....