Slutcat and Sworddog #4
They passed into another chamber with more bodies, but it was the cobwebs that bothered slutcat. "ew... spiders. i hate spiders," she said, staring at a particularly large web in one corner." "that's pretty much universal, i guess.
Haunted house
Every bit of the house was musty and dusty, cobwebs covering all the corners of the house. i went from room, to room, each filling me with a foreboding feeling. the living room with the old box tv and bug riddled furniture and faded walls.
A Hero's Tail
Slowly picking up her head she shakes her head lightly to clear the last of the cobwebs and suddenly looks wide eyed at her body. "i...i o god what's happening "looking terrified and running her paws down her unfamiliar furred body.
All Hallow's Fright
They bounced happily across towards the cobwebbed filled entry way. the small hall like covered patio has a countless number of cages and spookables. their favorites were the snake tank, and the spider cage.
West End Town
Framed by the door and silhouetted by the strong afternoon light, he pushed his hat back and looked around at the cobwebs. behind the bar, a broken and grime-encrusted mirror cast back a blurry, fractured reflection.
The Interview Part 3….Interlude & Job Description
He shook his head, trying to clear the cobwebs as the tiger walked back to him carrying a small stack of papers and a very amused smile.
To Fight and Defend: The First Legendary
She lifted her head, blinking away the last cobwebs of sleep. the moment her eyes fell on him, ash knew that somehow, everything would be alright. it had to be, for her sake. "good morning latias." ash whispered. _morning!
Hypnovember - Day 3: Dance
At least the room they met in, an old banquet hall, looked fairly nice still, if you ignored the cobwebs cluttering the corners.
Tik Tik and the Cursed Chainmail
: check out my discord server, where we talk about all of my works: the skeleton lays there, covered in cobwebs, its fingers cupping the top of the chainmail bikini.
scootaloo gets her wings
The rats ran from the light some bugs did too, sweetiebelle light the way with her horn glowing showing all the old stone and cobwebs.
Entrance, Chaper 9, The Little Baker Bunny Girl
She approached the pantry and opened it, empty, with cobwebs. she gestured into it, "how can i cook, there's nothing here."
Susie Keeps Growing
The shack was empty from silk, cobwebs, brimzy. "dangit!!" susie yelled and slammed the roof back down. "c-calm down! w-well figure something out!" noelle urged as susie sat down to cry. she felt her tiny deer girlfriend hug her back.