Strangers After All: Part IX

However, there was this one diver, a lion, and he had a son about my age. that kid brought about all kinds of feelings within me." "collin, aye?" tabitha asked from the kitchen.

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Anatomy of a Being

Cliffside even offers yearly competitions for the best cliff divers, making it a constant spectacle for the denizens of the city. we have all been drawn together in our uplifting. the same medicines work for a cat born as even a flower born.


Chronicles-Episode 1:The arrival

Then the male eyes widened,noticing that the diver spoke english. "wait wait..did you just speak english?" he asked. the driver shook his head and said,"no but you just spoke japanese just now,which is amazing for a foreigner..what's your name kid?"

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Phil and James: Getting Wet

It was a labour of love and friendship by he and fred that had turned it from the eye-sore it was into his on private pool, in which he trained new divers. from an early age, the pair loved the water.

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Shallow Waters

Each of them were certified scuba divers and knew what they were doing out in these waters. today they were planning a small dive just off of the island to seek an item that one of them had heard about.

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Die Drachenherz-Krise

Ich hoffe doch sehr, dass es divers kommentare geben wird, da ich sehr darauf aus bin, schattenherz sowie die dritten teil so zu schreiben, dass es trotz der hier erwähnten kritik-punkte eine recht gute fantasy-story abgibt, die ich dann vielleicht auch irgendwann


A Dark Visitation

It wore a large suit that almost seemed like a cross between a space suit and an old fashioned diver's suit, its shape almost humanoid, but oddly misshapen in places, and almost the size of a bear.

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Scuba Sisters

A small squad of five divers were easy to spot some distance away. from the look of them mickayla had to guess they were all male; given the makeup of her own team it was clear how the teams had been decided.

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A Freefall Fuck

As artie kept explaining how safe things were, ariel took the opportunity to examine the divers for any signs of nerves. better to have some idea before going up who might be cracking and who might be overconfident.

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Phil and James: Meat Sauce

Your average fisherman tends to dislike divers. they say that they scare away the fish. but quite the opposite is true, in fact. fish seem to be curious of the strange new visitors entering their home, and swim quite close to catch a quick peek.

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Showing Off (By Leilani)

"diver-girl, so good to see you today!" he blushed as the otter kissed his nose. "how are you, rene? oh, um, this is dustin..." she gestured to the nude deer standing nearby.

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