Solomon - The Son of the Legendary Silver – Chapter 8 – Important Message

20 minutes later silver had gathered all things he needed and now he was standing on the frontier gate. „ok man. i will leave now and i will be away for a week or so. " silver said to the guards.


New Journey Chapter 42: Champion (X)

"we are headed for the battle frontier. it's like a resort for trainers. but because of training through the league, we can handle it." seth rolled out of bed and stood. "c'mon, let's go say bye to everyone."

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Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 3

We're under orders from the admiralty to bring you to radon frontier command...and they have the authority by the high council." the high council? scott tensed at the realization that he had no room to argue.

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Frontier Product Testing - Part 4

_Oh, thank god, I'm finally home..._ Felekar thought, letting out an audible groan and practically collapsing onto his couch. He let out a soft whine under his breath and fought hard against the urge to start grinding, his cock still half-hard in his...

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Frontier Product Testing - Part 3

One month. One whole, torturous month of near-constant sexual torture. Repeated edgings, repeated instances of nearly being arrested for public indecency, repeated mountings from--... Felekar blushed as _those_ memories surfaced, but the straining...

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Frontier Product Testing - Part 2

"O-Oh god, no no no, not again, please..." Felekar bit his tongue hard and clenched his eyes shut, trying to keep from moaning and humping the table he was sat at. This was starting to get ridiculous... Three times in one week?! This stuff was going...

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Madison May of the Star Patrol!

"but maybe you're the kind of dog who needs new frontiers to go after. and as frontiers go, space is hard to beat. i was reading about some new work they've been doing at the pelland-dodier telescope, looking towards andromeda, and..." and.

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Chapter Two: Kehmastral

They would also be picking up about a half-bag's worth of new delivery to go on to frontier, but every ounce of weight they could shave off their load, all the better.

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[COM-11] Cold, Dark Night; Warm Cozy Mount

The life of a hunter in the northern frontier was never dull, especially not when they had a partner with which they shared such a deep and unwavering bond.

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Star Sapphire: Chapter One

On a frontier-expanding ship, so far from civilization for so long, those additions kept the crew sane. the bar had certainly done a lot to keep vation sane during his lordship of the cruiser.

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Tales of Sniper Fox - Prologue

However, as with any new frontier, there were unscrupulous profit-takers: smugglers, con-artists, and pirates quickly adopted warp technology to aid in their endeavors as well. this is the story of one such would-be pirate.

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Samantha's Third Chance Prologue

Prologue space....the final frontier

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