TotK - Letters to the Editor
#69 of tails of the khajiit letters to the editor - from tails of the khajiit - udaran special edition letters to tails of the khajiit from furfriendly in solitude _"i'm writing to you to express my appreciation for your article on the ta'agra
Ishoran Letter Prenounciation
Hfirst thing's first, the letter h in ishoran is important for quick learning. the letter h, emphasizes the sound the letter before it would otherwise make.
New World: The letter
That day was regarded as the "day of the letter" some pledged to god, others to aliens. and by some irony the last ones weren't completely wrong. i know that because the day of the letter was not the end of it.
= Chapter One: The Letter =
Niv pulled the letter from his shoulderbag and held it up, "turns out, a friend of mine who's still active in the guild got this particular job, but i've been personally requested by the contractor to accompany him." he bagged the letter again.
A Letter from the Thief
And he was willing to bet this councilman was one of the names in the letter by how hard the old man was trying to get ahold of it. "the letter, please." dorran held on to jaheed's paw while he demanded the letter once again.
letter to the bright ones
Hi bright one I speak now, so that you might show your light to me: that I might know a little more of your light, and that you might know how much I admire you and those who have taken to the skies and made their way to the stars. I know each...
A Letter To My Wife
Jade, I love you till the end of time, and my love shall give me the power to protect you, to be able to keep you in my arms forever, and in the beginning, i have yearned for you, so i can give you my love forever, you are the only one i wish...
A letter to my love...
#1 of letters to my lover to you, my panthress.. it was a cool morning, like the night before it. sometimes, that was the risk you took camping.
Yuuhi - [Love Letter]
There are certain disadvantages to being kitsune, one of the biggest disadvantages is in our shape-shifting ability, while this ability does allow us to hold forms that can keep us safe, practice on using the forms themselves often leads to forgetful...
The Letters of Alisa: 'F'
She had such potential, and was sweet to the letter, but what she had done was something down the wrong path. this, the harsh parents felt, was their saving their daughter.
Letters From Home
"Lieutenant! You've got a holo!" The voice over the intercom was the ship's quartermaster, the one who took care of everybody onboard the super-carrier as it drifted through it's long tours off-planet. The receptacle beside the door clicked and the...
snow(letter to someone)
Dear who ever is reading my name is snow and heres my story on why I killed myself. Reason 1 everyone hated me in my mortal coil and wanted me gone so I did them all a favor. Reason 2 the bullys never stoped calling me fagot and other names and beat...