A Long, Dark Road (Part 11)
One of the necromancers stepped forward and extended a palm, a burst of light and energy arcing across the chasm towards the avian mage.
A Necromancer's Heart:Chapter 3
Chapter 3 (Derek's P.O.V.) I had to watch as Soul, the one I loved, was kidnapped. I had tried to get to him but the kidnappers had thrown a sac of sleeping gas in the hall. Everyone had fallen asleep. No one could help Soul. A sudden surge of rage...
A Necromancer's Heart:Chapter 1
Chapter 1 My name is Soul, I am sixteen years old and the forth prince of the city of Moon Light. I am the smallest of all my siblings. They don't pick on me as such but they do know how to annoy me to the ends of the earth. Sam, Jill and Hope have...
Vignette - kobold necromancer
The heavy stone guillotine blade fell, the marble slab helping to push the jagged flint edge through the neck of the orc strapped below. The kobold sighed as the scent of blood (and of death) filled the air. Dark blood gushed against the cold blade as...
To_Tame_A_Wolf Chapter 3 1/2: Migraine's Recoil
The husky just grunted in pain as leonid pulls out his necromancer book; however, he was drained of energy from when it was used to cure christian, "damnit!"
A Long, Dark Road (Part 6)
Kath asked, disbelief staining her voice, "i didn't think necromancers had friends."
Demon-Ass 2.txt
He lay his head back against the white shoulder, wondering when the necromancer had undressed...
Tolerated Taboo
"you're a necromancer?" one of them asked, recognizing he was controlling the fallen grashen. "let's be quick," sehlek said as he walked in.
Chosen of Ashurha IV: Thy Kingdom Come
The viscount charged at the necromancer, hate filling his brown eyes as he readied his dangerous blade. vorel was ready, however, and filled with the fury of sot-amenthotep.
Dark Apostle
Revants though possessed no free will but were bound by the necromancer's power.
Balanced on the Knife Edge Ch. 8
The necromancer took the amulet in her hand, dusty and calloused from grave-digging, and karme shivered at her touch. "the amulet of bonebreath... i thought it had been lost."
Black Magic - Chapter Four: The Deeds We Do
Next, i thought i might end up going toe to toe with the cause of the first problem, a necromancer, but i was wrong again.