Ra's Army

Where are all of the people, and better yet why are you reading a newspaper right here?!"

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Kitty Comments Gets the Scoop

The old dog was in a rage, waving around a newspaper he'd been shoving in billy's face all morning. it was a copy of the local tabloid, which was repeating the same story that every newspaper seemed intent on covering. "the phantom revealed!

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Chapter 75 The Backdoor

But an old newspaper in the gutter made him realize . . . he didn't have to. etienne paused when the newspaper caught his eye, and as the others watched, he pealed it from the muddy water it was sponging up and unfolded it.

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The Tails of Graduation - Part (3/9)

Mom smacked his shoulder with the newspaper. "hey now! i'm not a dog!" dad winced as if he was expecting another whack. waving the newspaper menacingly at him, mom said, "please, think before you speak!"

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Cold-Hearted: Part 2

He said and i just answered distractedly as i leaned further forward into the newspapers, trying to lose myself in it's words instead of brian's.

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Alex is Bored

Alex pulls the newspaper and toilet paper off of dameon's bottom. he pulled back the tight sheath and began rubbing the sensitive dick to an erection and continued to rub his small brother's penis.

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She got up and grabbed some additional newspapers as she tried to clean up the results of her accident. the sapient _deinonychus_ tossed the soiled newspapers aside and waited for owen to let her out.

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A Commission A Tail of Butthuggers Part 2

In his head - he whipped the bathroom door open, stepped in, and raised the newspaper, casting his gaze around for the intruder. he found it right next to his shower drain and nearly dropped the newspaper on the still-damp bath mat. roundish shape.

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Superbunny - Chapter Two

When sho tore another scrap of newspaper out from under xumaada's ear, he might have been a little harsher about it than he needed to. at least one good thing had come out of all that wasted time.

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To Train Up a Champion - Part 1

His advance was halted by johnna, who smacked him over the head with a rolled up newspaper. will sat back down, rubbing his injured head.

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