Chapter IX: Furrther Confusion
"well," mark said, "historically, revolutions have not been for no reason at all. i'm not sure of the exact situation here on this planet, but i'd be willing to bet these people rose against their government for a legitimate reason."
SPQR Chapter 7
Immediately, the wolf knew that what he had done was wrong- trying to plan a one-man revolution was in retrospect, the most foolish thing martellus had ever done in all his years.
Cosmic Love: Heartbeat
My grandfather was an inventor at the time, and he led the revolution against their old temples." justin explained. "with his knowledge, the revolution was successful, and we won our freedom when they signed the first treaty."
Revolution | Chapter XXII: ...Merry Part
If i was still the person i was when i first joined the revolution, i probably wouldn't even be alive right now.
Pet Rebellion
This story is the flip-side of the prey revolution plots in the "hunted" and "reign of prey" stories. in the "hunted" timeline prey achieved their revolution and shrunk all predators and made them their pets.
Weekly Mini: That Accursed Spark
As the weeks passed, humanity quarrelled amongst themselves, deciding how to shut the revolution down. we, on the other hand, gave ourselves hope with names and beliefs.
Chapter 16: 20 Minutes in Math Class
Dance dance revolution, perhaps? today's math class was going to be fun. "the name of the game is dance dance revolution supernova 2," miss carmen continued, and most of the class started clapping.
"we welcome you to the mecha-revolution, organic." again, shi at least tried to shift hir weight, but let out a powerful--yet very computerized--roar of pain.
Long Since Passed Two- Coup
We had the pleasure of dealing with their full attack force for the next twenty seven revolutions once they showed up."
Sanna Gon' Be Pissed.
We can play dance dance revolution and get drunk on eggnog while we try to figure out what to do." rudolph explained. everyone nodded. reindeer were good at dance dance revolution.
The Beast Within
"profit is precisely one of the best parts of this 'revolution.' the fear of a revolution has allowed me to make some extra pocket money by praying on the hatred some people have for lycanthropes.
The Stone
And they would join him in his revolution... his revolution against all of those who would oppose him. all he had to do now... was wait.