Testing Joy
testing joy was posted october 2011 as an exploration of the experiences of having a partially transformed body, the character testing a new recreational transformation mutagen that converted her lower body like a feral lizard.
Testing Phase
It would be easier if we had a test subject." rotor began to power up the device. "but we can at least do the preliminary subjects. see if this can actually affect a robotic subject's mind." the walrus look at the test robot they had.
testing the waters
#1 of testing the waters warning adult material. this story is mine. my first story, nothing before this point in my life really matters to me except the people in it.
A test and reward
"okay, let's test our new strategy" jason says. both females nod at each other and they turn around, drop to their knees, raise their asses in the air, and wiggle them back and forth.
The Teachers Test.
This test seemed harder than any other test he had done before. "ok guy's times up. bring your papers to the front and then get out of my sight" mr o'brien said.
Kurt: The Test
_\_tomorrow just gotta survive today_ he thought remembering that he has a rank test to determine what rank he is to be at.
Redemption: Testing
Third part is finally up even after A long time on the shelf. No it's not dead but I've been busy. Anyways, you know the drill with reading this, see the first (A Fateful Meeting) if you haven't already. Anyways this holds the most action so far...
Drug Tests
However, he wanted to do a proper chemical test to protect his reputation. he dipped a small test tube into the bucket, and checked the ph. sure enough, it was far too low. he added a few special drops of the testing formula, and a salt preciapated.
Testing jay
"hi honey how did your test go.." my mother said as i entered the living room..
Test Chamber
Issac, go down and greet home." said eli, who was watching the test chamber. a flash of green light and there was some sort of fox creatures standing in the test chamber, just as issac had just reached them.
The Gender test
Stuck between the lines part 2 the gender test by matthias 11 nill found himself alone in a cell. it was a nicely decorated cell with large soft bed in the middle. it felt more like a nice inn room then a prison cell.
Ulysses' Test
#2 of the five guardians disclaimer: same as in gwen's test. go check it out if you can't guess it for some weird reason. jordan woke to find himself still dreaming. ‾or is this really a dream? ‾ he pinched himself. ‾ow!