Catnundrum. Chapter One.

Catnundrum chapter one by roofles once there was a cat named simon. he was a siamese cat. ever since he was a kitten he wore a roped collar with a golden bell on the front of it.

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L.A.W - Chapter One

Cross posting from fa, here's chapter one of my first adult/mature rated story "l.a.w" short for "love and war" **_l.a.w: semester one_** **_tablet 1: the first day_** the alarm went off on my nightstand and i immediately slam my palm on the 'snooze' button

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Chapter one: The begining

THE GREAT DIVIDEBY-Kamenriderfire, Waffels13, TheGoodSirFluffy, Angelwol(M), Spirit The Shadow Wolf!!!!!Chapter 1 The beginningWaffels POV:Hatter told me to follow him to some where pretty. As I always do I followed my friend and for what it seems like...

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Chapter one: Visitors?

The Cursed Island-Chaperter one: Vistiters?Fangs POV:I was siting in the tallest tree on the island. I sighed at the blissful quietness and lean back and close my eyes grinning to my self. I start to think when the next Blood Moon is when the island...

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Recovery: Chapter One

AUTHORS NOTE: I've decided (since this story has taken a slight detour from its origional character set) to seperate the chapters into clusters, depending on where the story takes place, and with who. The "Kalysta's Choice" cluster is over, and...

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Ebon, Chapter One

I met him online, in a chat room hosted by one of my friends. Within a few weeks of meeting each other we entered a relationship that would scar the rest of my life with its ebon touch. His voice, his touch, his deathly cold glare would haunt me for...

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Reaper - Chapter One

_© All characters and storylines involving said characters belong to me: Eben Black._ ~~~~~ Blood. There was so much blood. I never ceased to amaze me how much blood could be spilled from a human. Then again, the wound was a fatal one that...

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Chapter One: Rage!

#3 of the legacy cycle this is chapter one of my story and i'm currently working on chapter two. i hope you all enjoy~ ian slowly woke up, and his mind was back home.

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Moving chapter one

Ring?.Ring. Ring "Finally" said a boy around the age of eight He is wearing a black hood ed sweater with the hood on his head, he also wore blue pants with a furry belt, blue and black shoes, he has blue eyes, black hair with some red in it. ...


Olympia chapter one

~~~Writer's comments (PLEASE IGNORE!!!)~~~ Okay, first off. I'll set up the whole link to other chaptes thing later, with that done. This is the first chapter of Olympia. It's not much, just two pages when I was writing it, but it's two pages that...

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The Guardian Chapter One

So this is my first attempt at a furry story. I'm not that great at writing, atleast not yet. It's a series idea I've had in my head for a while and hope to keep working on it. All characters are copyright of SnowWolfe. Enjoy. The Guardian Part...

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Walkabout - Chapter One

Soft yips from within were all the gave away the presence of something in the underbrush. Poking his nose through the bush, and stepping through to the other side, he nearly barked a chuckle. His ears were black, and a white face, and muzzle. The white...

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