Reincarnated as an Orc in a fantasy Land Ch. 12

Rulu and wukin were hosed off first, thoroughly to get as much blood off of them as possible before they took a communal bath like usual. all four of them bathed like normal.

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Fates of the Unicorns 29 - Lessons

Tamira watched the others in the large communal bathing chambers. foxes, canines, felines, elves, a few dragons here and there, probably guards. she looked up, watching rahmor's guards.

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Following the Heart, Part 5

Yeva took an extra few minutes to stop by the communal bath and quickly washed herself off before she left, one of the other females that were lounging beside it helping her to reach spots that she herself could not.

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The Easter Virus, Chapter 4

There were two other rooms in the suite, and they all shared a communal bath, but no one else was home. she'd introduce him to the others after he felt better, and was up and about.

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A Less Rude Tale - Part 3

Being nude around others was nothing new to her, the slaves often had to strip and bathe themselves in a communal bath (separated by gender, and one not nearly as nice as this one) but this time was different.

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Chasing the Unicorn - PART 2: LACHHEIM

"hardly, she'll even use the communal baths during tournaments. she ain't a shy lass or some high-minded noble," he said, and then another soldier leaned in and added; "y'see milord, it's her husband.

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Opening Your Eyes

The hallways and the communal bathing facilities, too, in the mornings, carried that pungent scent that harry associated with nights in his bed that also called for an especially heartfelt prayer in the morning.

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Avian Circus

The communal baths were open to everyone from a very young age, and goers tended to lose control of their bodies very little there. it happened on occasion, but when it did it was laughed off, or else taken to somewhere more private.

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Bowser's Royal Foot Slave (Chapter 2)

They did wash them, for which he was thankful, but that was only once a week, and the last time that they had done that had been at the communal bath that bowser shared with his officers, about six days ago.

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Genetically Inclined

The pool was the males' communal bathing pool, and where ako came to clean himself. the steaming bath water was too hot to be comfortable, but the excess heat was working wonders on the vulpine's battered body.

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New life in the Taravanne

Eli was granted a peek in the communal baths where guests were discussing matters of politics or simply idle chat inside the pools of warm water from the springs, then a longer peek at the kitchen where the cooks were going to and from stations, handing each

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