Part Two-Adventures of Simo the Skunk: Escape from the Pray-Away-the-Gay Boy's Bible Camp!
Besides, i'm a wiry sort, and i reckon' i just might be able to pick these locks, come night-time, with my long fore-claws. it don't do you no good to worry, now does it?" the badger just grunted.
The Talk
"i decided to go for a night time fly to clear my mind. i flew into a tunnel..." rayquaza smirked slightly. "usually i'd chicken out trains." rayquaza's smirk faded and grew into a frown. "but this time...
Lunas Diary
It convinced the dark sister that all of her sadness was due to her sister never letting her night time last during the day so that the others might enjoy it.
Winter Nights
time television.
The Scariest moment of my Life
I decided to bring the flashlight since it was night time. i grabbed three chains from our chain rack and waited for my shipmate in the passageway. once he got his chains and met me, we headed up to the flight deck.
The Hours of Darkness - Crimson Eyes: (PROLOGUE)
Something urged me to check out the night time hang out spots - the places that normal people strayed away from. they shouldn't be too hard to find.
Me and my masters part 1
Nick:oh man i have been walking all day and now it's night time and i'm getting tired. i'll go to sleep here under this tree so i won't get to cold.
Dawn - Chapter ~ 1
It's now night time, as she'd stayed late for study hall. the young chi weaves through the closed chi buildings and through alleyways. up ahead is her large apartment building, and she's about to take another step when she hears shuffling behind her.
University year (part6)
Over the next hour, it became apparent that the nurse was spending a lot of time with me, it may have been night time but there are other people than me in here. she sat on the chair next to me and said "alright, let me get this straight...
To Wish Upon a Star ~ CH 2
night time of course, meant his little date with kerry to the gay night at club claws. in the fox's mind, whoever came up with the quote "time flies by while you're having fun" needed to be shot.
[Collaboration] Grass & Water
There was a moment where they both walked silently, vaps concentrating on the direction while emerald mused over the night time bugs, watching the fireflys as they cruised over their heads effortlessly, landing on what seemed like hidden flowers.
Cadance's Crinkle Care Part 2
"and when you come back," i added, "bring me one of his night time diapers. that diaper looked like it was going to leak." i smirked naughtily at shiney who had a shocked expression on his fact. night time diaper meant thicker padding.