The Anthro Girl: Chapter 2

_Chapter Two_ I had taken Katy's orders reluctantly (although it was admittedly my idea) and I was prepared to sacrifice my self-respect. The class came to a close and we had five minutes before next period....

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Making a video pt 2

Carey lay there holding a pose he'd coached her on, having explained how it would look good on camera. She stole a glance down the length of her own body, pleased by how the bright lights fell on her golden figure. She wished she could...

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Shattered World - Heartbreak

Ever have an idea get stuck in your head? One that simply won't go away until you do something about it? Maybe you have, maybe you haven't. Me, I get rid of them by writing about them. Most of the time it's a story idea that needs to get put down on...

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Jackob's Life Chapter 5-4: Finale

A few years had passed since that moment and after several applications, job interviews and a successful educational training, Jackob had managed to get himself a job as a veterinary medical technical assistant or, as he called it as the name was too...

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Beyond The Spectrum: Chapter 3: My Great Dream(that any normal five year old wouldn't have)

**Well I now it took me so long but hey, I promised before I would upload the next Chapter in this fic and I will, seeing I wanna see how this turns out.** **This Chapter will be the beginning of a three-part event that will lead to a climax that...

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The Digital Chronicles, Journal 1

_My life changed that day I was_ walking down the Shinjuku beach next to the ocean. My name is Joshia (Joe-sigh-ah), and I'm fifteen. My family--blood-related, not adopted--is dead. Everyone. My blonde hair was shaved into a mohawk, and my sparkling...

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Dear Heartbreaker

Dear Heartbreaker. There's a quote floating about. Basically as a breath fills you.. The only thing we find gorgeous through sight.. Is.. Vulnerability. Dear Heartbreaker. Nothing. You say nothing. Now you've become a line in my book....

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I need some help.

I am a 13 year-old male straight. And I am having an extremely hard time telling my parents I am a furry. So i think it'll be easier if you know who I am and who my parents are.I am an avid gamer kind of a antis social guy i have a select few...

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Lettera D'Amore - Love Letter

They were so perfect, and blow away any doubts, if little, they were about us, that maybe we won't work in real life, that you wouldn't like me outside of the written messages.

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A Healing Heart

Happy birthday anyway, even though you won't see this as no one i know in real life knows i'm on this site.

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Lone Wolf

Misery, It is my company, My only constant companion, Who never leaves my side. I awake, It is morning, No one is by my side, Nobody to lick my nose. I sleep, It is late, No one is waiting, Nobody to cuddle with. Every day, Blends...

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The Anthro Girl: Chapter One

Note: this is not a story with anthropomorphic characters; rather, this is a real-life story about a furry who recruits her friend jonathan the fandom. please be patient, as it will come in many chapters and will probably be very long.

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