PMD: Wildfire - Chapter 1

It was a beautiful, sunny day, but there were ominous storm clouds on the horizon moving their way. "looks like we've got a storm rolling in," lance noted. "yeah... looks like it's going to be a bad one."

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PMD: Wildfire - Chapter 1

It was a beautiful, sunny day, but there were ominous storm clouds on the horizon moving their way."looks like we've got a storm rolling in," lance noted."yeah... looks like it's going to be a bad one."

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Writing Practice: Flashback and Introduction

You snap to as you realize the clouds in front of you are not storm clouds. you notice the roiling mass of grey and black smoke rising from where your village is.

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Aaron's Present

One storm-cloud hung over him, though: his best friend, cory hadn't shown up. the otter hadn't called or texted or messaged him since the night before. this lack of contact wasn't unusual, but cory usually hung out with aaron on his birthday.

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The Littlest Fox

They went on and on, up into the dark storm clouds. he followed them up, excited. as it got steeper, he pulled a stout cane from his bag to help him.

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One Night With an Angel

His barrel chest rumbled like a storm cloud and, just before he was fully out, tfa shoved his entire length in again, his swollen balls sloshing against toku's ass. the submissive tiger gave a startled cry and tfa picked up the pace.

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Chapter 1

It is very dark outside with a storm cloud over an already dead tree. i add a small glimpse of light to the corner and smile. _"i hope this works out."_ i think to myself.

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Believe – Chapter 4: The Storm

The sun already set and the moon and stars were not strong enough to break through the storm clouds. imya had a hard time to not be blown from her feet by the wind but even in this weather there would be a lesson for the pup today.

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The Buccaneer's Bay (anthology excerpt)

I could also see gathering storm clouds. the sooner i got in, the sooner i could leave and not have to worry about getting my equipment wet.

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Rebirth 2

Edmund, however. looked like a dark storm cloud about to burst even as he held the cat's chair for her to be seated again as maria took hers. "who is this enchanting lady, edmund?"

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Tiger's New Doo

storm clouds loomed overhead and thunder boomed and lighting flashed within the swirls. it wasn't a few seconds more that he could feel a light drizzle of rain coming from above.

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Taking in a Friend

The two entered the school, and went off to their classes. --------------------------- the storm clouds were getting closer and closer as the day went by and toki and isao went through their classes.

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