Out of the Frying Pan (A1, B1, C8)

After all, aborigine australians are said to have come from africa, back far enough, and there are _several_ noteworthy supernaturals from down under."

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Nostalgia By Proxy

"it comes from a long-lost african aborigine tongue. it's a contraction of 'kyrulu lo'ohnti', which means 'gift from god'," the older hyena explained.

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Pendrael: Rumors

None of it counts because my ancestors are european; obviously my diapers are made from the woven fur fibers and the ground bones of the aborigines. i'm swiss, god damn it!" xian screamed, "i'm the polite country!

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A Sordid Plot Part 1 - The Three Trophies

(currently, all i'm missing is an inuit and an aboriginal...) but i have to admit to holding a certain preference for the african phenotype. mostly because, as the ancient philosopher sir mix-a-lot put it, 'i like big butts and i cannot lie'.

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So Shall He Consume Me 2 - In Subterranean Hell

Simply pulling the aboriginal hunting weapon out he swung it back with enough strength to completely decapitate the one who threw it, making the other skeletons turn with jaws dropped in a complete state of shock and panic.

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Born of Dreams

."             ~~~~~             onöta'ke was just as daniel remembered it; stepping into the village was like going back in time, to the era of the aboriginal people of canada.

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Test Trial No. 3

The dragon with the aboriginal name exclaimed in gathering outrage. "how dare you!" "did you just complain about someone else taking away your right to steal the land of the bears and the salmon from them?" an unseen child piped up from the crowd.

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Chapter 5: The Queen

Those who were out of werecat form were revealed to in fact be aboriginal humans, with the black hair and the dark, almost chocolate skin -not as dark as the average african human but close- and the angular eyes a clear indication these people were of first

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Love Locust - 3/3 (final)

No patron reacts to his arrival, kao-kiban has aborigines tribes who believe the townspeople give diseases with their eyes so this is hardly an unusual sight. not every of them can speak commercial basic, so the canine shows his fingers: "four credits.

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