Falling for a Lioness 2 Revege for the fallen part 40
As the bullets hit tress rocks,and dust causing animals. in the jungle as they ran for there life's, from the flight of deathly lead bullets. " shit" i shouted hitting a rock ,as it caused me to slow down.
He dies, but we live on. (Chapter 1 out of 2) - Short Story
"well, all 3 men were killed by only 1 bullet from what we saw. and all 3 bullets were perfect shots. it wasn't any militias, or amateurs as we saw. if it was, there would have been empty hollow bullet shells scattered all over the floor.
Chapter 6: Burned Manchester
I jumped to the left, hearing a crack of a bullet that impaled itself on the ground. i cursed then jumped forward, dodging a barrage of bullets that just grazed my body.
The Hardest Hunt
bullets marked the ground in front of me, a not too far off enemy had his sights trained on me and was shooting, though no bullets hit.
She held her breath, and waited for the bullet to pass overhead. about one second of thinking the thought, kate heard a loud bang, and a bullet flew over head.
She held her breath, and waited for the bullet to pass overhead. about one second of thinking the thought, kate heard a loud bang, and a bullet flew over head.
The Last Human Part 4
The poacher shot a bullet at raito, everyone thought he was dead but to their shock, he deflected the bullet by making fire out of his hands throwing it into the path of the bullet. "he deflected it." said webby shocked.
A Dream: Chp 17 Surprises Entries
She replies over the bullets. "listen, i need you to fire over the crate when i start running. don't put your head up just do it, ok?" i state.
dinosaur island
Instead of firing bullets using a firing pin impacting primers and igniting bullet powder, the bullets from the vle were ignited by electrical charges, much like the standard fragmentation grenade.
The Tales of Sorath (chapter one)
"ok well it is not a normal bullet anyway. it is a modified .50 sniper rifle bullet. there are two problems with that though as i believe you know. first of all no concealable handgun could shoot anything close to this bullet.
The Hero's of Mana Chapter 2
Looking around to see the bullet and pointed at it and said "if you got any closer to him you would've died from that bullet. rin looked at the bullet and started to go to it and picked it up and said "well that's kind of impressive."
Ean Vasht Th'Err
When high velocity bullets touched the 'skin' of the suit, it stiffened to point of hardness that each bullet or projectile would bounce off harmlessly. but a bullet did not shoot the ambassador; a laser had been used on him instead.