
They had reason to fight and they still died all because of your idiotic bureaucracy! you have no emotions? you don't deserve to be fighting by my side! you aren't even a quarter of the warriors they were!

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Chapter 6 - Risk of Discovery

What's going to happen next to alec's family, is it going to be torn apart by rules and bureaucracy? is alec going to be snatched away from earth and is leeta going to be sent away? find out in the next chapter.

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To fight an unending war against the bureaucracy of the international fuel tax administration? no. no, there's only one reason why mice are put on this earth. it was a cold gray day in the middle of november when i made the trip back.

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The Infestation Part III

Cass thanked the paper pushing bureaucracy that led to this hiding place. the lights came on just as she shut the door, leaving enough space to peer out into the room. "come out, come out wherever you are!"

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Part II-Education

As technology progressed, and bureaucracy appeared, the process was streamlined and a lot of effort went into hiding what happened on 18th birthdays from others."

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"trying to shuffle a whole lot of stuff and make sure nothing gets lost either in the bureaucracy or buried in the warehouses. you don't want to be the one guy who lost one million pencils into the system." i snickered.

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The Woodfather - Pollination Reports

An opportunistic police officer, luis had a very loose sense of morals that spawned from being disillusioned to the bureaucracy that comes with law enforcement.

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Moneybag Mr. Nook

Well, the generous tom nook decided to take over the bureaucracy. lucky me, having to manage customers at nook's homes day in and day out in place of the big shot. bang! cut to two days ago. let me set the scene. mr.

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Of the Collective, Chapter 2

Keeping some for ourselves to keep us running of course, but not as much as a central planning bureaucracy would take. it's more efficient to go from the bottom-up so to speak." i look on, intrigued, as rika floats over to the bed.

Midline Shift 23 - On The Beat

Turians were regarded as creatures of bureaucracy, with red tape in their veins and filing cabinets as their homes.

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Yet So Far Away

"I try running away, I'm just not fast enough... My own friends hate me, but I don't give a shit." (Wavves, Green Eyes) "I can't believe you did this _again_." Aside from the droning hum of her ship's engine, the two of them had been sitting in...

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Caruso: A Reader's Guide

His cult obsesses over governance, bureaucracy and law. shiroi also shares a triad representation with aka and kuro, sharing authority over martial skill. within war, he values discipline and just actions while also defending those weaker than oneself.

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