Ferrymen's Voyage

#1 of pen and paper challenge a mystic journey to a world not much like our own. traverse the white sea, and chart the stars, as you depart on your own voyage.

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Regret is a Funny Thing

This challenge is to create a story of 1000 words or less (this one is 994) involving a vague premise-- in this case, the story seed idea is "seven seconds into regretting that decision."

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He used the alone time to motivate himself to heal, thinking about how he and his friends would scale the roughest textured buildings at night, and challenge each other on smoother ones.

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Commssion: Six-Pack Challenge

Also cameo by summbun **six-pack challenge** "ladies and gentlemen..."

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Hour Long Challenge 1: The River Otter

Time started: 10:38 Reggie whistled down the road, his eyes were drooped low. The sun was hanging low in the sky, barely peeking over the edge of the nearby hills. The teenager was cheerful as he had just graduated the day before, he had been at...

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The Master Still Rules (picture story)

So many different papers, and he was sure at least a quarter of them were challenges. much as he had once relished seeing the different challenges from the other lands, as well as the answers to his own challenges, it was starting to get a little old.

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Moving In

As if the challenge she faced was not hard enough already, the ever-scheming tali had made things even more difficult for her latest attempt.

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This Is Me Challenge: Arkona Kothe

On a brisk, autumn day in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, a black Ford Ranger pickup tears down an abandoned gravel logging road. Pine, birch, and maple trees fly past as the truck speeds down the road, only slowing to pull off into a small clearing in the...

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As The Darkness Closes In On Me

V=tijw_srcoxs) link to the thread - [dragons lair this is me-challenge](http://www.sofurry.com/threadview?threadid=11138)

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Quest for the Wolf's Ass Chapter 4

Now that that's out of the way, it's time for you to find out what your next challenge is. nick, since you won the last challenge, you get to open the envelope", stash said, handing him the envelope.

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Chapter 5 - Occult

Flinty gulped and eyed frisky who was fluttering around his head, "i got out of the challenges and made it here."

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Chapter 4 - Puzzles

The new challenge room was a hexagonal shape, a sealed set of bronze gates blocked the far exit with a huge bronze and iron fountain in the middle.

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