WG II - Prima Facie

I know the real reason the counsellor stopped by: ever since andrews made commodore, he's been after me. i don't know how he heard about the booze-up; he's probably having me followed.

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My Sword, My Clan 26 - My Investigation

Are both counsels present and ready?" "the prosecution is ready your honour," said gerald abernathy.

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Mistaken Identity

She'd sobbed again when they told her this punishment would be for the next week, and then it'd be a fortnight in 'her' cell before she would be allowed to speak to her counsellor.

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Chapter 48: Surprise!

In my years counselling both humans and pokémon, i don't believe i've ever met anyone who might give even you a run for his money.

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Todd's Coming Out (Part 10)

We're going to dr comfrey and you're going to talk about counselling and medication. _then_ we'll talk about how you're meant to make things right with me. if we even need to do it by then. i just am who i am, dad.

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Imprisoned-Chapter 1

And told me to have a seat as he made his way into the small kitchen, inside was like a apartment, there was a small hallway with a closet and a bedroom, and a kitchen, all about the size of a standard apartment, he had some lights and a tv with some game counsels

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Permanent Positions - Chapter 4: Bedtime Chats

Hormone treatments and counselling. i will help gradually transform your body, if you wish me to, until we reach a point you are satisfied with." "okay! thank you!" kat happily responded. peter smiled slightly.

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Darkness on the Crystal City - Chapter 5 - The Informant

"phoenix grace are always suspecting me, my counsellor said that it was just paranoia but i know!" he raised his voice slightly at the end as he began to rub jack's sheath. jack felt a slight urge to comply but shook it off for the sake of the meeting.

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Cousin Amber- Release Terms

Can only imagine how badly it would have turned out if they tried sending that counsellor at me again." "well, that all said," amethyst pulls out an envelope. "here's the full conditions of your freedom, which is mostly what i've already said.


Chapter 9: Telling a Legacy

What is this, counselling? why did he want to know about me? let me guess, this is something science related. i answered anyway, "um, well, as you know, my name is luke deklan wolfe," what am i supposed to say?

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Pandora's Templar - Chapter 28

_"ngaytxoa, sempul txra'kon we'er; i must also apologize to you, for not seeing your pain when i **should** have, and also for not providing counsel in txe'lan's stead"_ she said, quietly.

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