Unexpected Dinner Guests
These dark elf boys had been cooked like common meat animals. in fact, to the minotaur and his elven concubine, these dark elf boys were meat animals.
The Replacement
The look of utter shock completely transformed the small elf's face he recognized the reindeer. "no! not donner!" the elf cried in anguish and disbelief.
Mirror Peer: Fear
She landed on all fours, shot the elf a hurt glance, and retreated to the left corner of the office. the elf sighed and fell into his seat.
Catfish Dragon
It was big enough for the two elves and durio was clearly excited about it as he got naked and started to fill the tub while the other elf went to grab some bubbles and other supplies.
lost in the evergreen forest chapter 10 (Caesar weirman & Arca vasnoth)
Leans to whisper in the dogs ear "hmmm nice set you've got there..." the elf ran his hand down the dog's chest the dog blushed furiously and slapped the elf's hand away "ooh feisty" the elf crowed "w..
Corrupting Amerilia: Chapter 6
Said the older elf. amerilia put one of her grandmother's nipples in her mouth and suckled on it sweetly, and the older elf bore down to allow her better access.
Mage's Incubus Aside; Prelude in Silver
This, master elf?"
Abuses (of Power) (Stream Story)
Serrek turned back just as the elf turned around, trying to look as though he'd been intently glaring at the altmer the whole time. it seemed to work, as the elf walked over, bearing something in hand.
Wolves (anthro) of Tenebris!
When the army of elves came passing by they were pleased to see everyone, young and old, gathered in the middle of the village.
The Unintended Curse Ch18
As i walked along the wall my mind was racing through the lord's mind and through his thoughts i focused on the ones concerning elves.
Spoils of the Trade
Again, none of this mattered to syn as he felt another of the elves busy working their thin, supple little tongue over and against his flesh protecting his testicles.
Horfie, the Selective Service Elf
"uh, sir, elves do not huff fairies," interrupted an obese man wearing a false pair of elf's ears. "if you knew anything about video games, you would realize that." steeple was too dumbstruck to retort. "also, i'm not an elf. i'm a vulcan.